[ Previous edition | Edition #21 | October 8th 2002 ]

Welcome to the October, 2002 Edition of the Outpost Tribune

The Tribune, Outpost 10F's community newsletter, is published each month by the Communications department. All members of Outpost 10F are welcome to write articles and submit content. The Tribune strives to contain the latest news, special event notifications, and even secret family recipes!"

We invite ALL members of the OTF community to contribute articles, suggestions and ideas to the Tribune, regardless of rank, chat affiliation or department. In fact, you do NOT have to be a member of a department to write for the Tribune.

We hope you will enjoy the New and Improved Tribune, and that you will send us your comments. The best way for us to serve the members is to know what you want to see included here, so don't be shy - send us an email at The OTF Tribune and we'll be in touch in time for the next edition.

Outpost News

  • TF Chat Updates
  • CCC Chat Updates
  • September Promotions
  • OTF Special Awards-Sept.
  • Sept. Guilds Awards
  • Sept. WebSite Awards
  • October Birthdays

  • Editorial Comments

  • Executive Editorial-Adm. Maxwell
  • From the Editor
  • Guest Editorial-Candy in the Cupboard

  • Tribune Features

  • Featured Officer Profile
  • Dear Counselor
  • NOT your home planet
  • Ask Mr.Wizard
  • Intergalactic Café
  • Bookstore Beat
  • Fan Club Update

  • Department Updates

  • October - Entertainment Network
  • Marketing
  • Logistics
  • Counseling
  • Engineering
  • Communications
  • Intelligence & Security Agency

  • The Guilds

  • October Guild: The Writers Guild
  • The Film Guild
  • The Actors Guild
  • The Artists Guild
  • The Poetry Guild
  • The Music Guild
  • The Web Development Guild

  • Entertainment

  • Snoop Sisters
  • The Outpost Library
  • Gaming
  • Unions
  • Media Update
  • Conventions
  • The Dealer Speaks

  • Ads.

  • Classified
  • Help Wanted
  • Personal
  • Submit

  • Poll
    The OTF Membership has requested a new Star Wars Chat room to be used for sims, trivia and other special events. What should we do to accommodate this request?

    Replace the Rotarran with a new SW chat Room?
    Replace the D'deridex with a new SW chat Room?
    Build a new chat room and leave all the other ones alone?
    Build a special chat room JUST for sims, trivia, plays, special events, etc. so that all avatars and all affiliations are available to all members?
    forget the whole darn thing, who cares?

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