Music Guild

Author: CL4 Nobbe
Department: Project Leader/The Music Guild/Counseling

G'day everyone!!! Did ya all go to the Music Guild and check out all our fancy stuffs?

Well... *leans in close* We've got a secret for you all... *whispers* The Music Guild is preparing to launch a new section. It's called "Everybody's a Critic." Here's what we need from you, the wonderful people of our community. We need some Critics. Some people who would like to do a review or two each month. It's simple and easy. If you're interested, drop us a line.

What else is new in the Music Guild you ask? Well, we just got some AWESOME reviews in. Jaci, a Christian Musician is our featured review this month. She's got a style and a trend all her own. Check her out.

Also we've got a biography on Danny Elfman, the master composer. Betcha didn't know he wrote so much AWESOME music did you? Well, he did. And what about him being in a band? Well, yeah, he was...but you've got to go read the biography to find out which one.

There's a rumour that there's a hot new submission this month... Can't tell you more than that. Go check out the Submission's section and find out for yourself.

Upcoming attractions:

Reviews on Toby Mac and Newsboy, a biography on Alice Cooper and another member submission. Awesome stuff eh? Well, hop over to the Music Guild and check it out!
