
Author: CL7 Lucas
Department: Logistics/Administration

And thus continues the multi-part instalment of 'Logistics Uncovered', a brilliant documentary which will take you through exactly what Logistics is all about. Last month you heard all about the Help Desk, diligently run by our very own Sidne. This month, you will be hearing about the project management side of Logistics from Lucas.

Last month, the sad departure of our beloved Jayne caused the task of Project Management at Outpost 10F to fall in to my hands. The role of a Project Manager has been around for quite some time, the first of these managers was Commodore Sunrise who has since passed into the most distant of memories. After him was the legendary Captain Ivonna, who is rarely seen of late. Next there was the cutest Commodore of all, TeeKay. Following her was Doctor Babel and finally Captain Jayne. Thanks to this long line of individuals, the project roster has for the most part remained intact. With new system developments, new procedures and new projects, the job that I perform at Outpost 10F differs from day to day.

One of my roles is to lead the projects committee, which approves and rejects new project proposals. This committee is composed of the Deputy Sector Commanders, the Marketing Director and myself as the Projects Manager. Another of my roles is to oversee the smooth maintenance of the Project Management System, which is one of the new systems at 10F, which allows me to change variables, which appear on the dynamic roster. For example, through this system I can add/terminate projects, change their status (Active, Review, Development, Frozen, Refinement), move them from one department to another, make notes etc. You can find the project roster, here.

My current goal over the next few months is to work with the Senior Managers to get a better understanding of all our projects and to ensure the project roster is as trim and active as possible. Our approach will be based around the idea of 'Quality over Quantity'. Right now I'm working with Engineering's Babel and Logan to tidy up their somewhat disorderly roster, and hope to be soon working with Domi from Entertainment to ensure an efficient roster there.

If ever you have any concerns, comments or ideas, please do let me know! Thanks for reading!

Lucas (CL7)
Projects Manager
