The Snoop Sisters

Author: Sy and Lawaxana
Department: Out and About

Greetings to one and all!

It is I, Lawaxana Troi, Daughter of the Fifth House, Holder of the Sacred Chalice of Rixx, Heir to the Holy Rings of Betazed! I welcome you all to the grand gala unveiling of the most regal, most prestigious, absolutely none-like-it-anywhere-else event:


Yes! If there is ever anything your curious, little minds ever want to know about the various creatures that inhabit OTF, this is place to visit!

And being the special occasion that it is, I have a very special guest as my first delicious interviewee. None other than the wonderfully talented, highly decorated, Jean-Luc Picard! Captain of the USS Enterprise.

Greetings from the OTHER side of the Galaxy Sweeties!

Sy Snootles is back!! Running out of money is not going to keep your favorite gossip on the back page so beware - you never know when or where she will show up. Just look and see who she managed to con into some conversation while you weren't looking - 2 of our favorite regulars from the Cloud City Cantina, Zulin Jinn and Dracmus.

Who will next month's targets be?? You'll have to wait and see.
