Okay, here's the deal. This issue is a little shorter than usual, but it's been a busy month. It's not just getting things running for this new section of the tribune, but setting out plans for what's on the way. I'm not tellin you the future, but I am telling you the present. This month starts a new little tid-bit on Science Fiction games coming to life in your hands. What I mean, is that within this section you will learn and have the opportunity to play games from the Science Fiction Genre. You'll find this new section sitting in the Dealer's chair below.

Just being myself, can anyone guess what the first game is? Is it Dabo? Martian Chess? Thendorian Poker?
Nope, but those games are coming.

Next month, things will return to normal, with as many game reviews as we can fit in, along with tips and hints for new and old games alike. At the end, there is a proposal for you, so keep on going and don't get nervous. There won't be a test, but you will have homework to do.

Now, hold on tight, and get ready to scream, this merry-go-round is about to start spinning.

Good Luck and Have Fun!
Lt. Cmdr. Gremlin, the Dark

The Dealer's chair

The air hung thick with smoke, as I glaced at my only remaining opponent. The stakes in this hand had gotten high enough to drive out the other three players at the table. With around 50 in the hand pot and over 200 in the Sabacc pot, the tension filled the room.
I was holding the two of coins, the nine of sabers and the Queen of air and darkness; for a hand total of 9. Not good.
My opponent took a last look at his hand, and turned to the dealer."I'll take one"
The dealer shot him a card and then he looked to me.
I tossed the Queen down, "Switch".
I drew the three of sabers.
"No bet." I said.
"I call", my opponent said with a smile.
As he said that, the cards began to shift. He looked at his cards and lost his smile for a moment, but it returned, even larger. He slapped his cards down on the table with a shout.
There it was, a score of 23. A pure Sabacc.
I looked at my cards, and casually laid them on the table as my opponent reached for the chips in the middle. My nine had shifted and become an Idiot.
"Idiot's Array", I said with just the smallest smirk.
My opponent lost his grin. "DAMN IT GREMLIN!!"

Did the scene above take place in a Star Wars novel, movie, or even a TV parody? Nope. It took place in my dining room one Friday night.
That's right. My friends and I were playing a game of Sabacc, which Han and Lando loved so much.

"But how?" you ask. Simple. We know the rules and we've made the deck.
Want to learn? That's simple too. I can teach you everything you need to know. How to make the deck, the rules, and the rule variants; everything.

Let's talk Sabacc

Sabacc may sound complicated at first glance, but in reality it's very simple. It's a lot like Blackjack, in that you just need to do some simple math to know how strong your hand is. No flushes, straights, or three of a kind here. Just the numers -23 to +23. On the other hand, it's a lot like poker with the betting, and raising, and bluffing. On the third hand, it's a lot like roulette in that your cards can change at any given moment whether you want them to or not. On the forth hand, (hey, it's sci-fi, I can have four hands if I want to) it's unlike all three of those games because it has two pots.
Okay, maybe it is a little complicated, so I'll go slow.

Let's look at the basics first. Sabacc, for those who don't know is centered on the number 23. This 23 can be positive or negative. (Positive is better)
Like most card games, you only need two people to play, but you can have up to eight. I've found, that five is just about perfect.
1) The game begins with each player putting in thier ante of at least 3 credits. (I'll go over ante's and betting more in just a bit)
2) The dealer then gives each player one to three cards, dealing clockwise around the table. Each player gets the same number of cards, but the number of initial cards is simply a matter of "house rules". The initial hand size is established prior to the game begining and remains the same throughout play.
3) Also going clockwise, each player then decides if they wish to place a bet. Once this is done, each player chooses if they want to "Draw", "Stand", or "Switch".

Standing is a pretty common place term, so I'll skip over and explain "draws" and a "Switch". Unlike Poker, when you draw you do not discard. You just "Draw" one (and only one) card, in hopes of improving your hand. If a player wishes to "Switch", he or she may discard one (and only one) card per turn and get a new one. This switching is very important and at the same time very dangerous. If you get a bad switch, you can hurt yourself terribly. You'll see why, when I explain the deck.

4) Play continues like this for at least four turns. You can not "Call" until the fifth turn.

5) When the hand is called, the player with the hand closest to 23, wins the hand pot. Any player who "Bombs out" must match the ante or the hand pot, (Again, this is desided before hand) credit for credit, and place it in the "Sabacc Pot". A player 'Bombs out' by holding a hand score of more than 23, less than -23 or a dead 0. This is where the second pot, the "Sabacc Pot" comes in. In order to win the Sabacc Pot, a player must have one of three hands. These hands are a 'Pure Sabacc' of +23, a 'Tainted Sabacc' of -23 or the 'Idiot's Array'. **The Idiot's Array is a special winning hand that consists of the Idiot card, a two of any suit and a three of any suit. It's a literal 23 with card values of 0-2-3.**
Each one of these hands holds a place in the 'Winning Routes'. A tainted Sabacc is the lowest of the winners. It is beaten by a Pure Sabacc, witch in turn is beaten by the Idiot's Array. There is nothing higher than the idiots array in any game variant of Sabacc.
If any player wins in this way, they win both the hand pot and the Sabacc pot.

6) Ante/Betting: The ante and betting both go by 3's. The initial ante is three, and may be raised by the dealer each hand. This raise must go by 3. No more, no less. So the initial ante may be three, but the next hand may have an ante of six. The ante can never be lowered. Once it reaches six, nine, twelve, or whatever, it can never be lower than the hand before.
The same principle applies to betting. Each bet or raise must be made in multiples of three. "I bet three", "I see that and raise three.", "I see that and raise six.", "I call".

7) The Sabacc Shift: At any given time, one of your cards may be taken from you and replaced by a random card from another player's hand. This is in effect an involuntary "Switch". When playing against a Computer, this switch may take place at any time, but when playing at home with friends, the easiest way to determine a switch is to roll a die at the end of each Draw phase. (ie. if you use a regular six sided die, a shift happens on a roll of 1 or 2). To perform a switch, each player holds their cards face down in front of the player to their right. That player then takes a card at random from their opponents hand and adds it to their own.

8) The Deck: The Sabacc deck consists of 76 cards. Sixty of these cards are the 1 thru eleven, commander, Mistress, Master and ace of four suits. These suits are Sabers, Flasks, Coins, and Staves. The other sixteen cards are face cards. Fourteen have negative values and two have no value. Lets take a brief look at these cards. There are two of each in the deck.

  1. The Idiot = 0
  2. The queen of Air and Darkness = -2
  3. Endurance = -8
  4. Balance = -11
  5. Demise = -13
  6. Moderation= -14
  7. The Evil onfiltered= -15
  8. The Star = -17

Alright, I hope you've soaked in enough to play, because here we go. Click the "Place Bet" button below, then hit "New hand", then take it from there. You'll get the hang of it. The open space next to "Call" tells you if you have any cards to make an Idiot's Array.
One final tip; pay attention to the "Active Card" slot. This is where you choose which card you wish to "Switch" on the current turn.

Next month, I'll give you some instuctions on how to create a Sabacc Deck you can use at home with friends, and move on to the next game in the line up? What is it? Come back in 30 days and find out.

Gremlin`s Sabacc Table
Gremlin has Gremlin`s credit Amount to bet
You have Your credit Ante stands at
Hand Pot Sabacc Pot Turns

Active card: 

Here's your homework kids:

Part one - Tell me what Science Fiction Games you want to see. Are there games from books or movies that facinate you? Let me know and we'll see what we can do for ya. After all, what's a dealer good for if they can't explain he rules?

Part two - Who says we can't have our own games based on Sci-Fi? Come up with something. Here on our planet, we have one major standard deck of cards, (2 through ace of four suits), but there are countless games that use this deck. Can you come up with other games useing the Sabacc deck?
What about games that Aliens play? Do the Klingons play a game similar to Mahjong? Do Wookies play something like cribbage?
Let's explore the "family game nights" throughout the universe and find out!

Now, go do your homework and email me the answers or you'll be staying in during recess.

Good Luck and Have Fun.
Lt. Cmdr. Gremlin, the Dark