The Writers Guild

Author: CL4 M'Tabek
Department: Project Leader, The Writers Guild

Let's See What's Out There!

Hello once again everyone! It looks like the Writer's Guild is our Featured Guild for this month so I wanted to let you guys know whats up in the Writer's Guild right now.

Well, with all the excitement with the Anniversary, behind the scenes was a busy rushing to and fro to get things perfect and great for all of the members to have a blast. I felt that it was a great success, but still a lot of things were not able to be completed in time.

One of those is the Writer's Guild.

I wanted to let everyone know more about what I consider the best aspect of our Guild. I truly believe that everyone needs a mentor in life. Be you an artist, writer, actor, musician, everyone can benefit from having someone to look up to. For myself as a writer, I look to the works of Peter David and Michael A. Stackpole for an example of my mentors in the field of writing.

Because of this, I have been strongly applying for a better Biography section, and hope you all will find this to become a great stronghold of inspiration with your writing dreams. While it will be a bit before all is up to speed, we have set two new biographies every month set up through next year. Featured writers will include Isaac Asimov, J.R.R. Tolkien, Robin Cook, and Ray Bradbury and will all be focused on at some point during the next year.

But do you guys remember what I said last month? This really is an interactive group. Is there someone you would like to see bio'd? Want more information about someone you think is a great mentor and that you would like to have shared with the rest of the Outpost? Well send those suggestions to me at

Well, wrapping up for this month, I hope you guys have some great suggestions and ideas for us, as I'm very excited for the upcoming rejuvination of the Writer's Guild! Keep those pencils sharp and fingers nimble! Till Next time!
