Marketing Update

Author: CL7 Kali D'or
Department: OTF Marketing Director

Greeting from the Marketing Department.

This past month we have been rather busy with the September edition of the new and improved Tribune. It seems, from the response of our members, that you like it. So, from all the staff, free lance writers and contributors, our thanks.

We would, however, like more of you to add to the content, to write articles for us either as Guests or staff members. As we reminded you all last month, what we put into the Tribune is what we all get out of it, so don't be shy, join us, share your ideas. Everyone is welcome!

As far as what we as a department have been up to, I have been sort of "out of sorts" with shoulder surgery. Captain Tierce is hard at work at University studying, of all things, Marketing, so eventually he can take over my job and be even more successful at it. Gremlin the Dark, recently part of the Entertainment Network, has formally joined the Marketing Team and will be participating in the Tribune with some really kick-butt Gaming articles, as well as assisting us in future PR and advertising endeavors in tbe real publishing world. Our own Lt. Jaden has taken on the InterGalactic Cafe, part of the Tribune and this column will eventually grow into something really special, so stay tuned to his efforts on behalf of the culinary interests at OTF.

Captain KK has found some great new talent for her COMM Department and we have put a few of them to work supporting the Tribune. Eventually those efforts will benefit the Marketing arm of the Admin Division as we head out into the internet with aggressive and specifically targeted mail, email and links.

Shortly, we will be working on the old and soon to be new "Vote for OTF" project, and a few other little tidbits, as well as a marketing database of contacts in the real world as we move forward in promoting our community. Stay tuned, more to come soon!
