OTF Special Awards

Author: CL8 RDMG
Department: Quadrant Commander/Administration

I would like to Congratulate the following Officers for their outstanding efforts over the past month...

For the Star Trek Officers:

Ensign with Honors: Lupus. Lupus recieved the most recommendations for a promotion. Lupus has made great impressions on all.

Officer of the Month: Babel, for his work as SC and in Engineering. Babel dedicates so much of his time to OTF and more than deserves this recognization.

Unsung Hero: Scully, for her speedy (and good!) work on the Yearbook as Engineering Liaison and for the work that she does for OTF that not many are aware of. Thanks!

For the Star Wars Officers:

Officer of the Month: CL 4 Kabe, for producing the seniors playground and having endless amounts of time and patience with repairing the bugs that bother us in OTF.

Outstanding Citizenship: CL 4 Wraith, for always being a good chatter, never acting against the prime directives and just being an all around nice guy.
