October Officer Profile

Author: CL5 missMaul
Department: Communications/Tribune Staff

This month's featured senior officer is Commander Shaker. Shaker, also known as Kevin Brown, lives in Wilmington, North Carolina. He's 20 years old and attends the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. Why he is called Shaker remains a mystery, but one of the reasons has something to do with the way he used to dance.

Shaker found Outpost 10f through Lieutenant-Commander Robbie. He had been to all kinds of other chatrooms before but found them very annoying. Then Robbie told him about OTF and he came to check it out - I believe everyone can think what happened after that.

So, once Shaker decided to stay he quickly made friends and found out that people here had knowledge that was useful for him. Having some skills himself he decided to help OTF out where he could; after all, why not give something back to a place with great people and a nice atmosphere? Shaker has done (and still does) a lot of technical work. He's created webpages, fixed problems, created and edited forums, done some graphics work, and other things of a similar nature. Shaker mainly works for the Entertainment Network, but also helps out Commodore Zilette and Captain Kali D'or when asked.

The reason Shaker stayed with us all this time is because he likes the diversity of the members, in terms of backgrounds and nationalities, and plethora of knowledge and fun that can be attained/had. He also likes that we can talk freely about what's on our minds and how we feel.

In OTF, Shaker has developed a bit of an evil, although playful, character. Otherwise, his OTF character and his real life character are pretty much side-by-side. He just likes having fun and being around other people, and only is strict when the occasion calls for it. There is one part of him different in OTF than in real life though. He feels that in OTF he can talk with people without getting nervous, which is something that has happened to him in real life. There he is more afraid of saying something wrong or not acting in a certain way, whereas online he feels you can be more free about yourself.

OTF has made Shaker more sure of himself. He can see how he's made a difference when he's done something that was a success. He has developed leadership and managerial skills while being a manager in the Entertainment Network. And he has learned a lot about communication, how to better related with people in order to get things done for the mutual benefit of all involved, and learned to do so in a way that promotes cohesion.

In real life Shaker doesn't really have a daily routine; his days are quite flexible. But he usually gets himself ready for the day in the morning as does the rest of us, and depending on what day it is he hops online to check his email and talk to a close friend in Australia. After that it's time for school. Homework, gym, tennis and OTF are usually part of a normal weekday for Shaker. In his time off Shaker does what needs to be done in terms of the RL arena, and he also has a on-campus job, which consists of Network Administration/Security for the University, as well as other technical aspects.

Computers are a big hobby of Shaker as well as movies. And of course, as all men say, women. As for his social life friends and family are important to him. Shaker grew up with his grandparents, so there is a fairly big gap in terms of what he likes/finds important and what they like/find important. So at the moment his friends are more important to him because they have more in common. But Shaker thinks this might change when someday he gets married.

Also an important person in Shakers life is God. To him, God is a big support and will get him through all obstacles in life. In the future Shaker hopes to become a trial lawyer. It's a goal he's had for many years and he thinks that it would be the most beneficial for him. He hopes to become a prosecuting attorney and work his way up, one day, to dealing with anti-drug cases.

As for the future of OTF, he sees it becoming the most popular, and respected, chatting community. With all the changes that have taken place, especially with the release of OTFv2, the community has taken on a better stance in terms of getting to know the members and what they want. For himself he hopes to stay in the management of Entertainment Network, hopefully move up to the position of Senior Manager one day, and maybe move into Administration later on in the hopes of making an even bigger difference. It all depends on what happens in the future, and what opportunities present themselves.
