What's the Entertainment Network

Author: CL6 Richard
Department: ASM, Entertainment Network

As the name suggests, this department is responsible for the entertainment of the members of OTF, through the means of various events. As with all departments, Entertainment is devided into teams which are specialised in some of the means we contribute for the amusement of the members. In our case, we have 3 teams:

Gaming: This team focusses on games as a means to amuse. Games in a broad sence of the word, that is. Be it small Flash or Java Script based games, online games like Chess, Checkers or even Monopoly, and the games everyone can purchase around the globe, like Jedi Knight or Counter Strike, regardless of the game platform. Be it PC, GameCube or X-Box. They offer advise and tricks to play the games, or even cheats for those who are too impatient to figure all the puzzles out themselves. *g*

Simming: These people concentrate their efforts on means as sims and RPG's. For this, a dedicated team was assembled that works on creating storylines for their live sims and PBeM, and present these events to the general public of OTF. They also provide guidelines for newby simmers or members who like to run their own sims.

Trivia: The members of Trivia are the one's who dig up the questions for the weekly live trivia events, and then go on to hosting and assisting the events.They also keep the Trivia Network updated, and try to come up with new and interesting theme's for the Special Trivia.

Naturally, the teams aren't just busy doing their own thing, but keep working on joint events, such as the Stargate weekend we had recently, and ways of improving the services we already offer.

In the (near) future the Entertainment Network will be presenting more joint team events, and also we will be looking at the possibillity of inter-departamental events.
