Awards & Sites

Author: CL4 Jaro Warren
Department: Awards Team/Communications

The Meaning Of Awarding

What comes to the mind when you think of the word - Awards? For me, I think of the prizes or privileges we get. Sometimes, a site will get any because they aren't doing anything about it or do something, and when the awards come out they might whine or pout about all they do to try to get it. For those who do get awards, they usually have done something to deserve it or bein a certain place at certain time.

Here at the Awards/Shuttle bay Team, the word "Awards" isn't just part of the name, it’s the part of the job! Awards are given in the context of awarding the continuing efforts of a certain group of talented individuals working to bring all the resources of our selected Sci-Fi gender or preferences. To bear in an honorable service dedicated to providing the winning sites with an award to show that what they have done is "Award-Winning" to us and to the people who visit their site.

A few weeks ago, I was wondering what was the real reason of having a Awards/Shuttle bay team was. I thought to my self, "Jaro, the reason the Awards/Shuttle bay team is here because Sci-Fi and fantasy fan sites out there need to be recognized for their loyalty to their chosen Sci-Fi or Fantasy movie(s) or game(s)". Therefore, this is my view on the true mission of the Awards/Shuttle bay Team.

Since the opening of V2 this past July, the Awards/Shuttle bay team has been working harder than ever. Like always, we’ve been looking for sites to give an award too, or working on the shuttle bay. We have also been working on: The new Shuttle bay, changing the name of the Shuttle bay to something more in line with both Star Wars and Star Trek, and trying to make a better looking web site.

The better sites we had found for the month of September were, Star Wars I: An Interactive Guide, A Hobbit's Tale, and the ever esteemed website of fellow OTFer: the sim of U.S.S. Sacromento. was however on the top at the end and was September's Site Of The Month. This website gives meaning to the task of the Awards Team and it defines our job; awarding.
