
Author: CL7 KittyKat
Department: Sr. Manager, Communications

September was a busy month for communications. We had two big projects being unveiled.

First there was the 2002 Yearbook - And a big thank you to everyone who contributed to the Yearbook and special mentions to Zahra for getting it all organised, brain storming, keeping the team motivated and all the other bits n pieces that gets a project created! We also need to thank Shyva who worked on all the great interviews and chased up people who left things out!! And for the great design we need to tip our hats to Scully! Can't wait to see next years offering *G*.

Our next big project was the newly redesigned OTF Tribune (in fact I think I can still smell the paint). I think everyone will agree that SuzyQ and Tierce did a great job with the renovation ;o) and of course many thanks to Kali for all her incredibly hard work it would not have been possible without her and all the contributors of course ;o).

Other projects on Communications books have been regularily updated by their project members. Including The Awards Team which post a new lot of top sites every month. For anyone wondering where the Shuttlebay is gone.....well its time it had a refit and you won't be seeing it until it has one! lzrman has been keeping the Unions Site up to date. While Marnie and Three27 have been working on the Conventions Page, which is expecting a revamp soon so keep an eye on it! If you missed the Anniversary please be sure to check out the Archives as Zulin has added some chat transcripts.

I'd also like to take a tiny space to congratulate Zahra and Shyva on their promotions. Well deserved girls! Right I guess that's brought you up to date with all the happenings in communications and I'm off for a cup of tea!

Senior Manager: Communications
