
Author: CL6 Zandetta
Department: ASM, Counseling

Counseling- Pride and Dedication

The Counseling Department has gone thru many changes in its departmental structure and members since I joined in 2000.

Many people have passed thru our doors and our lives. We have made many friendships - some old, a few new, some long lasting , yet others ...only for a brief moment in time. They shall be missed, but shall not be forgotten.

The Counseling Department gives a closer feeling of being at home within OTF. This department can help an individual to develop, teach or share skills and talents but most importantly, you truly get to meet and know the wonderful peeps within. The interaction in this department is absolutely wonderful if one can learn to become a team player and work as one. The awesome camaraderie in the Counseling Department is irreplaceable.

Because we are a globolized community, we make sure our Counselors are all diverse in their ideas, beliefs, cultures, genders, and race, we are all a family united with the spirit of Love and goodwill for our fellow mankind from all parts of the universe.

That is why today, the Counseling Department still stands strong with courage, enthusiasm, dedication and pride as we bring projects to OTF members and why our counselors take time to listen as a friend to each and everyone. Remember, we are always here for you.
