Dear Counselor

Author: CL5 Komonda
Department: Counseling


*Awakens* NeqneH! Friends!, WOW!, I dreamed a dream that i must share before i lose it, i dreamed that i was on Earth in the year 2002.. this is the last time that i fall asleep eating chocolate covered Ghak and reading ancient Earth history! I actually felt the fear of the people in my dream.

The year was 2002, a year after the Twin Towers in New York City fell, just like i was reading, when I heard someone say "We have been changed forever." even while they were the same.. National boundaries changed almost daily, the Euro Dollar became a standard trade form, the South American Trade Agreement was being practiced, change was inevitable, yet, the survivors around Earth went about their lives, doing the same things they did before, in the midst of all of this change they just kept on going on! Why?, because they were alive! They were the same, even in their changing.. I've noticed that humans like to stay the same, even when they change..

Places on the Earth that had never known disaster like that before, changed, yet remained the same. I thought it was just as tragic when a bomb exploded on a crowded city street or in a rail station any where in the world. You Changed! And now you humans are here is space with the rest of us sentient beings! ~!LOL!~ Funny! how we all change without ever really changing!

But we have a choice in how we change! each of us do! If you believe in the prime directive, then maybe it was to your ancestors that in my dream I said "Change is inevitable, but by my hand, may no tribe, no matter how small, any where in the alpha quadrant, suffer the fear of extiction, genocide or being changed by the acts of Herks. May we honor and respect each other in a way that allows our unique diversity to continue .. for in the infamous words of good ole' JTK, himself, we are all humanity.. and because... forever, is a very long time!"

Dear Counselor
