The Intergalactic Cafe

Author: CL4 Jaden
Department: Marketing

Welcome to another edition of the Inter-Galactic Cafe!

You've only just scratched the surface of the culinary delight's of the Galaxy - however there is still a vast array of choices and delectables to chose from! This month, we feature recipes for fall, things that keep you warm, give you that fuzzy feeling, makes you want to stay inside, curl up with a book or a friend and enjoy good food and company.

Give your tastebuds the chance to dive into the many desirable and favorable delicacies of the Universe! Desserts, treats, drinks, whatever you want! There's the undiscovered country of the culinary world!! Take the chance - try something new!

Just in case you forgot - Wanted!! Your Recipies!!

The Inter-Galactic Cafe welcomes your ideas, and suggestions for others to try out and give a whirl! So send in your recipies!! The Holidays are coming. Surely, somewhere in that kitchen cupboard, or drawer, or hidden on a shelf in a box that was Grandma's, there is something special you want to share with us?

Shortbread Cookies
Beef Ball
Mexican Layered Dip
White Bean Soup
Blueberry Cake
