NOT your Home Planet

Author: CL5 Zulin Jinn
Department: Travel Agent at Large

This month, Zulin takes us to...

Location: Corellian System
Terrain: Fields, Forests, Seas
Native Species: Humans, Drall, Selonians
Language: Basic
Major Cities: Coronet

About Corellia: Corellia is one of the most widely known of planets out there. In the days of the Old Republic, Corellia was one of the largest ship builders. Corellian Engineering Corperations, or CEC, is one of the major stock freighter manufacturers in the galaxy. Manufacturing the YT series, which was made famous by smugglers such as Dash Rendar, and Han Solo. CEC also manufactures the Famous Corellian Corvettes. One of these corvettes, the Tantive IV, was Princess Leia's vessel before the battle of Yavin.

Most of Corellia's population used to be made up of of shippers, smugglers, mercenaries, pilots, and ship builders. The lifeforms that inhabit this system are humans, the Drall, and Selonians. Before the fall of the Empire, and after the start of the Rebellion, Corellia and its surrounding planets Drall, Selonia, the Double Worlds -Talus and Tralus, and the rest, smaller inhabited planets called the Outliers was one of the best places in the galaxy to live and work and play.

When the war started, the inhabitants of this system became more and more inward looking and eventually cut themselves off from just about everyone outside their sector. They chose sides, and unfortunately for them, they picked the loosing one, The Empire. Altho the government is supposed to be hereditory, the Empire had a strong influence and that caused a lot of problems after the Empire was defeated.

If you want to know what really went on in the Corellian System, before, during and after the Rebellion, you can check out the Han Solo Trilogy, The Corellian Trilogy, and some of the most recent New Jedi Order books. Also, read more about Han Solo, Wedge Antilles, Dash Rendar, Garm Bel Iblis and Thracken Sal Solo, some of the more famous Corellian natives.

Places: Corellia's capital city of Coronet - used to be a real hot spot. Corona House, home of the diktat, was one of the finest places in the entire system. Downtown Coronet City had it ALL - Treasure Ship Row was THE place to go for food, drink, goods and goodies, fun and games, all legal and illegal, anything and everything available as long as you had the credits and could afford not to worry about the odds. The endless numbers of venders and gambling booths would happily take your money from you. Now, its quiet, everyone is gone. The ports are closed and there is no more business to transact.

Things to do: Well, if you are looking for a real vacation spot, the Gold Beaches, where Han and Leia took the kids when they visited Coronet City would probably be nice. But it is a bit pricey and exclusive. For history, you could visit the Repulsor sites that the Solo kids discovered in the Corellian Trilogy book series or hitch a ride up to CentrePoint Station, if it hasn't blown itself up yet.

If you are well connected, you can try to visit Aunt Marcha on Drall. She has a really nifty big house with an arboretum in the middle of it. If you had the right political leanings, you might be able to get into the central prison and take a look at Thracken Sal Solo, Han's cousin, who is probably still in the slammer for what he did to Han and the kids years ago. Unfortunately, Treasure Ship Row isn't what it used to be, but you may run into a few old smugglers hiding in the shadows.

Of course, they aren't what they used to be back in the days of the Old Republic, but the stardocks where the Corelian Engineering Corporation built some of the most famous ships we know, including Bossk's Hounds Tooth, Talon Kaarde's Wild Karrde and The Millennium Falcon. Those 3 alone are worth the trip to see the remains of one of the finest space ship building facilities in the sector.

Ways to get to Corellia: Once upon a time, your best bet on a free ride would have been to find a smuggler and work a deal, buy a cheap ticket on a freighter, or fly your own ship in. But after the Rebellion really got hot and heavy, Corellia pretty much rolled up the sidewalks and closed its doors to outsiders. With the current Yuzhaan Vong thing going on, you can't even get there from anywhere because the Vong have the darn sector surrounded. My advice - stay where you are till this mess is over. Corellia will still be there next year.
