The Outpost Library

Author: CL7 Kali D'or
Department: Project Leader

I was going to ask for a special article from one of our Library writers/reviewers but it seems that with everyone going back to school and summer over, things are a bit hectic all the way around the Library.

Being a bit hard-pressed to come up with something different this month, was flipping around at and found a new New Jedi Order book. Heavens forbid! it is an e-book!

Now, being a die-hard, have to have the real thing in my hands, hard bound or paperback, who cares, what in the world am I supposed to do with an e-book? How am I supposed to turn the page? How do I read the thing in bed? Does this mean I have to make the laptop into a bedroom comp?

I really want to read this new addition to the series, as it is hyped as the prequel (I am really sick of that word by the way) to the one due to be released on 1 October. Well, of course, by the time you read this, I will have already run off to the brand new Barnes & Nobel, gotten my Starbucks Venti Latte fix, looked thru all the new stuff, found 2 new Trek Books, probably one or two "Good Books" and scurried home with the newest "Destiny's Way" tucked into the top of the bag. Of course, I will lock myself in the house until I finish it over the weekend.

But the conflict is this - what about the e-book? Do I really want to know more about Ylesia before I buy the real book in just a week? Can I really enjoy a book on a computer as much as buying and holding it, putting it in and taking it out of the bag, paying real cash for it, rather than using a credit card # and downloading something for free so I can look at it and "read" it from my laptop?

Such a dilema for a real book reader. Is this where we are going? Will we eventually have all our books on our computers? No stacks of Star Trek in the garage, no Dr. Who piled up against the bedroom walls because there is too little shelf space? What about all the years of treasured comics and graphic novels and favored old sci-fi classics and those original Stephen King books bought before he was famous?

Comments? Ideas? Dear Readers, pray tell, what do you think?? Stay tuned - I have no clue what I am going to do - maybe next month I'll tell you, or you can check the Library, the Star Wars Expanded Section, and look for a new review or 3.

Outpost Library CL7 Kali D'or Project Leader