Fan Club Update

Author: CL4 Ricas Kibu
Department: Free Lance/Tribune Staff

Hello readers. Sitting comfortably? No? Well tough, I'm gonna start anyway. This editions' Fan Club is STARFLEET: The International Star Trek Fan Association, Inc., which can be found at Founded in 1974, SF is now the largest fan run organisation, clocking in at 4000+ members, and is a not-for-profit corporation.

To become a member of SF, you need to fill in one of the forms available on the site, and your membership is renewed annually. The membership fee depends on where in the world you live, and how many people want the membership. Once you become a member there is various things to participate in, including an academy, a marine corp, chapter activities and community service projects.

The academy does courses which result in degrees, such as Bachelors, Masters and Doctorates. The range from which you pick the subjects from is reasonably large, and there are basic and advanced subjects. Subjects range from languages, romance and humor, to temporal physics, religious history, and cultural anthropology.

SF has a marine corp attached to it. This consists of various branches including a newly formed standing naval force. Other features of SFMC include a Chaplain, and a separate academy from the rest of SFI. The Chaplain has a store, from which various SFMC items can be purchased, with half the proceeds going to charitable purporses.

Within SF there is a well organised command structure and departmental system in operation. There are quite a few people in the command chain, and every aspect of the organisation has at least one person dealing with it.

SF holds numerous other features. Theres a holodeck, which was unavailable at the time of writing. Information is available on their own conventions and official ones. There is a member magazine called Communique, which contains various information, such as news and upcoming coventions and activites.

Overall, I thought that SF seemed like a good club to join. The site was good, albeit large, so it'll take visitors a while to see all the sights of the SF sites (try saying that six times fast :P). After looking round the site, I felt like joining, but I won't with upcoming thngs in real life. All in all, SF reminds me of OTF, a well established community.
