Engineering Update

Author:CL 7 Babel
Department: Sr. Manager Engineering

This is my first report for the Tribune as Chief Engineer (as I like to call myself. ‘SM, Engineering’ just doesn’t have the same ring, does it?). It’s been a busy month, with internal restructuring taking priority. We’re now taking a look at our projects and how we manage them, expect to see some improvements coming along.

Speaking of which, our Media team released the Seniors’ Playground project, which will be a lot of fun I’m sure for our senior officers. The Playground will continue to grow (for example, adding more avatars) which can only improve what is already a popular and excellent project.

We are also working on some ideas that will make Engineering’s resources much more readily available to the Outpost, and particularly, the other departments. This can only benefit everyone concerned, as our design talent becomes a lot more accessible to OTF. I’d like to talk about our personnel now. We’ve had to release two engineers this month; Osiris and Lee. They’ve both contributed enormously to the department in the past and they’ll be missed. I wish them good luck and all the best! We've taken on some new members, namely Aussielore, Nina Janeway and Sioux Anasazi. I'm sure they'll do some outstanding work for us!

Finally, I have to say that at first, this job was daunting, especially as I’d not been a senior manager before. However, the people in this department have made this a pleasureable job, that whilst challenging is not in the least bit headache inducing. All the members of this department, whether high or low, deserve credit for taking on board change and I can’t praise them enough. These people are going to amaze everyone with the work they will produce, I have the utmost confidence in them and they’ve already made me proud.

Captain Babel
Senior Manager, Engineering
