[ Previous edition | Edition #26 | May 8th 2002 ]

Welcome to the May, 2003 Edition of the Outpost Tribune

There are lots of good things to read in the Tribune this month. Our freelance and regular writing staff members have, one more time, found some really good stuff out there to share with us. Don't forget, the Classified Ad Section has moved to the Ikonboards so check there for talented peeps who have skills to offer, or members who need something special from YOU! Xemxija has given us yet another look into the fasinating world of things we never knew, and as a guest piece form JPrydon, you can find out what Star Wars character you are most lke as determined by your birthday! The Book of the Month has been replaced by the review of Return of the Jedi, and we also have a review on the movie as well. Check it out!

Also this month, we have Chapter 2 of an interesting short story, and Monny explains another Prime Directive. For all you fans of the really strange, out very own Commodore LinDax has once again found some of the most "Stupifying Sites" for comic relief.

Whatever gets your attention - we hope we have it here for you! As usual, we have a new poll question, so hit that old scroll bar and slide to the to the bottom of the page and see just what the Dark Jedi himself (ie. Shaker) have conjured up for us in May.

Please note that with final exams going on, graduations amidst, and summer coming upon us, the normal compliment of writers has temporarily dwindled. Please be kind, don't worry about rewind. The writers will be returning to their regularly scheduled articles next month.

The Tribune, Outpost 10F's community newsletter, is published each month by the Publishing team of the Communications Department. Everyone who is a registered member of Outpost 10F is welcome to write articles and submit content. We invite ALL members of the OTF community to contribute features, suggestions and ideas to the Tribune, regardless of rank, chat affiliation or department. In fact, you do NOT have to be a member of a department to write for the Tribune - you can be a "freelance" writer with your OWN column!.

We hope you will enjoy the March issue of the OTF Tribune and that you will keep reading in 2003. As always, we really want to hear from you if you have suggestions and ideas so send your comments to The OTF Tribune. Ideas lead to feature articles and recognition and credit and, heaven forbid, maybe even a promotion if you work hard and do good for the community - what a great concept :)

Outpost News

  • TF Chat Updates
  • CCC Chat Updates
  • Alder Hill Chat Updates
  • Site Awards
  • April Promotions
  • April Birthdays
  • Member Awards

  • OTF Editorial

  • EC Editorial CL7 JJ
  • From the Editor
  • Guest Editorial-Dwarven Intelligence
  • Guest Editorial- Zulin Jinn
  • Guest Editorial- Nobbe

  • People & Places

  • NOT your Home Planet-Trek
  • NOT your Home Planet-Wars
  • Creature Feature
  • Stars & Space
  • Travels with Shadowfax

  • Department Updates

  • Communications
  • The Guilds
  • Engineering
  • Entertainment Network
  • Intelligence & Security Agency
  • Internal Development
  • Logistics
  • Marketing

  • The Guilds

  • The Artists Guild
  • The Film Guild
  • The Music Guild
  • The Poetry Guild
  • The Web Development Guild
  • The Writers Guild

  • Entertainment

  • The Bookstore Beat
  • Publishers Preview
  • Unions
  • Conventions
  • The Weapons Locker
  • Fan Clubs
  • Did you know...?
  • Stupifying Sites
  • Who's Got Game?-Great Stuff!

  • Special Features

  • Directively Prime
  • Book of the Month
  • Movie of the Month
  • Birthdays - Star Wars Style
  • Pop Culture
  • Comments and Submissions

  • Submit

  • Monthly Tribune Poll
    Which "Return of the Jedi" movie do you think is better?
    Expanded Edition (released in 1997) 54.0%
    Original (released in 1983) 34.0%
    Neither 12.0%

    View results

    Site Credits