Not Your Home Planet: Star Trek

Author: Roman RW
Department: Freelance

Imagine living inside someone else's body. A slightly jarring thought, eh?
But that's what they do on this month's NOT Your Home Planet selection: Trill!

Now, I realise the idea of going beyond physical appearance to discover the being within is, shall we say, foreign to some people (calling all adolescent males!), but let's keep an open mind, eh? The honest truth is, Trill is a surprisingly excellent and popular vacation spot, with attractions and views rivaling any planet within warp distance.

Something to keep in mind when in contact with Trill inhabitants: while speaking with someone, you're not really speaking with them in the traditional sense. You're speaking with a small vermiform symbiont inside of them, which could be older or younger than its humanoid host.
For those familiar with esoteric Earth entertainment, just think of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers," but without all that malice.
The partnership between host and symbiont is a peaceful and voluntary one.

Now, with that out of the way, we can move on to the juicy stuff. As soon as you exit your transport, head right over to the Baths of Trill. Peaceful and elegant, they're a great spot to just hang out and enjoy the view. Better yet, bring a friend and some nosh and have a picnic! Don't forget to chat up the Trill; as long-lived as the symbionts are, they're sure to have plenty of wisdom to dispense.
After the Baths, take a transport underground to see the illustrious Caves of Mak'ala. A sub-surface series of interconnecting pools, they also hold the breeding environment for Trill symbionts, which is sadly restricted to off-worlders. But that doesn't mean you can't enjoy the remaining Caves; it's not often that you get the opportunity to be completely underground with only rock and soil separating you from sky. Claustrophobics beware!

At dusk, you can't miss one attraction: the Teneran ice cliffs. Now, the journey there might take a short while. They are, after all, located at the coldest reaches of the southern hemisphere! But it's well worth it to see the ice lit up in brilliant colors just as the sun goes down. At 200 feet high, their beauty is almost overwhelming; they stretch before you, looking aflame, like a massive and perfect crystal. Breathtaking.

Well, after all that awe and spectacle, you've got to be hungry. Never fear: just visit the Interplanetary Bar and Grille. Serving up specialties like Kohlanese stew, Maraltian seev-ale, and white chocolate fondue, they've got offworld cuisine down pat. Hankering for some Earth lasagna, flaked blood fleas or even gagh? Anything you like, they've probably got it. It makes homesickness a thing of the past... well, at least as far as food is concerned.
As the world grows darker and the stars come out to play, you'd do best to find the Selipsis, the most popular hotel on the planet. You've made reservations, right? If not, you'll most likely be left with no room. Yes, it's that busy! But that's only natural: it's the oldest and largest beach resort, nestled right next to one of the world's purple oceans. Needless to say, that violet hue is quite disconcerting at first for Terrans like me, but once you've adjusted, it's incredible. And if you think the way it looks is strange, try swimming in it!

So if you're still looking for the non-traditional vacation spot, give Trill a try. And remember not to judge a book by its cover: while the cover might be new, the pages could be ancient!
