Members Awards

Author: Alexandria
Department: Administration

After a long time under construction, the Awards have come back! Once again, members earn awards within the Outpost 10F Community. Below are the fantastic members who have won them for this month!

CL2 With Honours - Fantasy: Christian Carpethia

CL2 with Honours - Star Trek: punkin

CL2 with Honours - Star Wars: ~Chica~

Senior Officers of the Month: CL5 Anth & CL5 Jadzia Jones

Junior Officer of the Month: CL3 RPM Obsession

Citizenship: CL4 Iain

Top OTF Geek (most hours in the chat in a calendar month): CL6 Michiel
 - Month Chat hours: 23.57
 - Total Chat hours: 1756.73
 - Average hours/entrance: .98

Unsung Hero: CL8 RDMG - Thank you for all your hard word, dedication, and time served as Quadrant Commander

Well, that's all for this month. Congratulations to all the members who received awards this month, and look for the awards next month!
