Fan Clubs

Author: CL4 Ricas Kibu
Department: Publishing/COMM

Jedi Fan Clubs

Right, I've been asked to do Jedi fan clubs, as the 20th anniversary of Return of the Jedi is thiss month. Here's some of the groups I found. is a site with message boards on discussing various aspects of the Star Wars universe, from favorite droids and worst film, to how to build a lightsaber and the like.

The official UK Star Wars fan club has a magazine called Jedi Journal. No information, unfortunately, but you can email the club at

There are some yahoo groups dedicated to Jedi. Some of which are dedicated to fan-fic, eg. / some are, albeit poor, dedicated to the force(or their variation) eg. One group I should mention is called Return of the Jedi at, just because of the name, and they say they discuss the force and stuff, but there's only 2 messages and people in the group.

There are also some MSN groups such as The Jedi Clan, MSN has the same range of groups as yahoo.

If at any time you fine readers can spot any mistakes I've made or know of any clubs I've missed, don't be afraid to point this out to me.
