This month we will deal with the phenomena of pulsars. I'm sure
you all heard about them for example on Star Trek but what are they?
Keep on reading and you'll get a little more insight!
Pulsars is the leftover core of a supernova explosion which rotates
very rapidly. Pulsars emit radio-frequent pulses but the reason why is
not that well understood. It is however thought that it has to do
with the large magnetic field that is located at the base of the
neutron star.  
Pulsars are responsible for some cosmic rays but are not dangerous to
Earth. The time between the pulses as roughly around a second as a rule
but that is not foolproof in any way. The smallest approach about one
millisecond. There are very few of those that are known at this date,
they usually exist in binary star systems. Possibly a nearby stars
infall of material causes the pulsar to speed up.
Pulsars after some time slow down and as a result of that, the pulses
die out. Pulsars were first discovered in 1967 during a radio astronomy
observing program which was to look for "twinkling" radio sources.  
For further reading visit: University of
San Diego University of
Hertfordshire University of