Marketing Update

Author: CL7 Kali D'or
Department: Director of Marketing/ADMIN

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening (depending on your time zone):

It has been a very slow month in the Marketing Division. Capt. Tierce is buried in school work and exams, as well as his meta-tags project, as well as filling in for Kali while she is on leave.

At the moment, The Marketing Division is actively looking for a Research Assistant to help us with 2 upcoming and ongoing projects. If you are technically adept, have some spare time on your hands, and don't mind surfing the 'net gathering information, as well as working with databases and web sites, you are the peep we need.

So, if you would like to join us on the Marketing Team, please contact me directly at asap so we can put you to work!

Till next month, when we will have alot more to say,

Hugs and chocolates :)

Capt. Kali D'or
