Poetry Guild

Author: CL6 Leeta
Department: Guilds

Leeta is back by popular demand.. well Z and Zan are popular and they demanded I come back. Ok poetry lovers of OTF we are moving into the Month of May. Thank you for all your participation for April we had a fantastic 17 entries so and you have been keeping us as busy as ever. The winners for April contest have just arrived from the judges so watch for the announcements on the Outpost 10F's Main page and of course Vic/Lobot always have a little tidbit.

On to May, our theme is Sci-Fi, so if this is your avenue and interest send your entries to us poste haste. If you are a novice who has never given it a try maybe checking out our last year's Sci-Fi contest winner, Amand Seilu Paris, will help. Don't forget to check out the Poet of the Month Clark Ashton Smith. You can check out his other poetry links on his biography.

Don't forget to take a look, we now have a Discussion Forum under the Outpost 10F Guilds. Our own little nook and place of our own now. Please feel free to discuss our poems and your own thoughts on poetry on the forums section.

Just so you know what the future has in store... look out for our June Theme coming up soon, our Dragon/Medieval Times month ... so get your quills and parchment ready and send your entries in to the Poetry Guild/
