Author: CL8 TeeKay
Department: Administration/Sector Command

Greetings and Maerles'n!

Another month has passed in Alder Hill, and by and large and thanks to our ever-valiant Town Guards, things have been peaceful.

Of course, there are always exceptions. I've been informed by various villagers that a band of Ifrin has made its home ourside the town walls. Their colourful tents can be seen just outside the eastern gate. I've been told that the Melskhaur ambassador has lodged a protest against this, though I fail to see why. In the spirit of interspecies relations, my Town Scribe and I will soon open negotiations with the Ifrin in the hope that we can establish an Ifrin embassy in Alder Hill. Until then, and until matters are resolved, please remember that the Ifrin pay for their drinks in the Inn the same as everyone else, and that when things go missing, it need not be the Ifrin who are responsible for it.
Trolls beware - if anyone is caught attacking or injuring any Ifrin, they will be turned out of the town.

Radelia tells me that the Spring barbecue hosted by the Inn got slightly out of hand, mostly due to the sheer amount of rabbits on the menue. (Note: If any of you see a stray rabbit, please catch it and hand it over to the Innkeeper. We do want to avoid a plague of rabbits. But be careful - some may bite when poked.)
It seems that some over-enthusiastic people accidentally set fire to the Inn's insides, and that the Inn will now have to be redecorated. Business will still continue as usual, if you don't mind the smell of paint and the sounds of woodwork in the background. Radelia hopes that redecorations will be finished in time for the next Festival.
Luckily, the Treehouse, home of the Elf Town Guards, was spared from the fire.

The Town Scribe is still busy translating various texts for our ever-growing library. We've also seen a marked increase of merchants travelling to Alder Hill and peddling their various merchandise. Please be sure to check what you're buying and get a receipt, especially when purchasing magickal artefacts. We have enough of those lying about in our museum, and most of them are fakes.

So, all in all, it's business as usual in Alder Hill.

I'm off to see a delegation of Ifrin now, so I'll leave you with a wise saying from our Oracle, Kytalthera: "There is little shame in stealing, cheating and fighting provided that:
When you steal, you steal the heart of another,
When you cheat, you will cheat death,
When you fight, you fight for what is in your own heart."

Mayor of Alder Hill
Sector Commander, Fantasy
