How SW Affected Me

Author: CL5 Nobbe
Department: Freelance

Star Wars. This name holds a weight of power of recognition in many many people. I'm sure that there are few countries in North America and the globe that don't know this name. This month is the anniversary of Return of the Jedi, Episode Six of the Star Wars Saga. It featured many moments that moved us, such as the death of Darth Vader by his son, Luke Skywalker. Star Wars has infultrated all aspects of society, including the cenus.

Star Wars, I admit, wasn't the thing that drew me into the Science Fiction world. It was Star Trek. However, I still find myself drawn to the theatre each time there is a new Star Wars Movie. When Episode One came out I begged my friends to come with me (they weren't fond of Star Wars) and they loved it. They came with me to Episode Two when it recently came out, and I expect, when Episode III comes out, they'll be there with me, top row of the theatre, centre seats.

So, here in this month of the Anniversary, I endevour to say "Thank you to George Lucas and the Star Wars Family for bringing us touching stories and bringing us a new religion category on the cenus."
