Author: Zulin Jinn

How has star wars changed my life? Well, for quite awhile I lived and breathed it. Starting in about 6th grade, after episode 1 came out I got totally addicted. I read all the jedi apprentice books within about 2 weeks. That turned out to be just the tip of the iceberg. I then discovered CCC. That has to be the biggest thing that ever happened in my star wars life. It was the CCC that got me into reading SW books nonstop until 8th grade.

I also discovered Role-playing. Rping was a major part of my SW life until about mid way through 8th grade when I realized that I had to start doing my homework and I also discovered members of the opposite sex, but that’s another story, for another time.

From 6th Grade, when I was 12, until I was in 8th grade and 14, star wars was the biggest thing in my life.

My experiences with star wars has brought me a lot of skills too. My constant reading of books has to be one of the biggest factors in raising my grades to a 4.0 GPA because it helped me with my comprehension of what I was reading. Also working on SW related projects in OTF helped me learn vital responsibility and teamwork skills.

So all in all, SW has impacted my life signifigantly.
