Did you Know?

Author: CL4 Xemxija
Department: Publishing/COMM

This month I will dedicate all of the "Did you know" section to Star Wars since it is the 20th anniversary of Return of the Jedi. So here we go good folks!

Did you know that...

...the galactic coordinates for the planet Coruscant are 0,0,0.
...the odds of surviving a night exposed on Hoth are 725:1.
...the Wookiee doll given to Jaina Solo by Chewbacca was called Eba.
...in the end of the movie (ROTJ) Han Solo refers to Leia as Carrie.
...the model number of TasCorp's blastick detonation device was 3E.
...the designation of the X-wing Luke was flying during Thrawn's reign was AA-589.
...the starship of Gil Bastra which was intercepted by the Expeditious was named Starwind.
...the model number of Veril Line Systems' Gyrowheel recycling droid was 1.42.08.
...when Luke jumps off his speeder bike and ignites his saber in Return of the Jedi, it is yellow not green.
...the number of credits Darth Vader offered for the capture of either Han Solo or Leia Organa following the battle of Hoth was 150,000.
...the model number of Industrial Automaton's armoured droid torso was 11P.
...if you like burps and belches, there are 2 good ones in ROTJ
...Leia's slave girl leather bikini was featured in a "Rolling Stone" photo layout and inspired a sub-plot on the TV series, "Friends"
...Wedge Antilles only has 12 speaking lines in all 3 movies
...In the Expanded Edition of the ROTJ, Sy Snootles looses her tusks, except in the long shots, so look close
...The nine most recognized quotes from ROTJ are:

"The Emperor is not as forgiving as I am" (Vader)
"This bounty hunter is my kind of scum" (Jabba)
"How are we doing?" (Han) "Same as always" (Luke) "That bad, huh?" (Han)
"When 900 years old you reach, look as good you will not." (Yoda)
"It's against my programming to impersonate a diety." (C3PO)
"Short help is better than no help at all" (Han)
"Your overconfidence is your weakness" (The Emperor)
"We'll last longer than we would against that Death Star, and we might just take a few of them with us." (Lando)
"I am a Jedi, like my father before me." (Luke)
...Jabba the Hutt's death at the hands of Princess Leis was inspired by a scene from "The Godfather"
...the radiating shafts making up the floor of the 2nd Death Star's reactor core are actually 1,500 fishing rods
...Vader's funeral pyre scene was shot at Skywalker Ranch
...the name of Jabba's sail barge was "Khettana"
