Not your home planet - Star Wars

Author: Wicket
Department: Freelance

Endor: Home of the Ewoks and graveyard in space for Emperor Palpatine and his Death Star. Is Endor a place to write home about, or one to avoid?

Endor is located in the Outer Rim, between Bakura and Bespin. It is in the Modell sector, but no easily accessible to any of the easy and safe trade routes. Yes, you can get to the Corellian Trade Spine but you have to take the long way around with lots of complicated and difficult hyperspace jumps. Endor is a silver gas giant orbited by 9 moons. The largest moon is the size of a small planet, with a temperate climate, forests, plaons and mountains. Many native species live on the "Sanctuary Moon" including the vethiraptor, boar-wolves, glowing sprites called Whisties, mischievous Teeks, condor dragons, gunlabirds and stum-dwelling temptors. And of course, the Ewoks (we'll save them for another time *eg*.

Palpatine selected Endor as the construction site for the 2nd Death Star and established an Imperial base on the moon's surface and then built the generation station that formed the protective shield for the orbiting battle station. Lucky for eveyone on the side of the Rebel Alliance, "our heros" managed to take down the shield and destroy the Death Star and the Emperor. However, it is rumored that there is still a cloud of "dark side energy" in Endor's orbit at the site of the destruction. In addition, it is also said that fallout and debris from the battle have adversely affected the ecology and life forms that live on Endor. Unfortunately, noone has been to Endor recently and reported back to the New Republic on conditions in the system.

Endor will always be remembered as the site of the most decisive engagement of the Galactic Civil War, but we will also fondly think back on the high-speed chase through the forests when Luke and Leia took on the stormtroopers; Han Solo's efforts to "hot-wire" the shield doors; the Ewok's answer to the Call to Arms when the Imps surprised the strike team, and of course, Chewbacca's hijacking of the walker that helped our team win the day.
