Dragon Tea Party

Author: CL4 Hampus
Department: Freelance

The little drum-liking hobbit Mr. Fel has been kidnapped by orcs. His two dwarven friends Sīl'būrk and Gra'skāgg, our heros, have set out to rescue him.

Dragon Tea Party

With the first daylight they reached a peak. It was the third day of their campaign against the orcs. In the reddish morning light Sīl'būrk's pink clothing shined with a seldom glow. A darkened shadow seemed to accompany him as he climbed down the hill on the opposite side. It was Gra'skāgg, and he had begun to regret their little trip. The food was out and the water would only last the day out.

But our heroic dwarves stumbled on down. Small stones went downhill before their feet and dragged bigger rocks with them. After a while the ground beneath them started to crumble. Small mists of a darkblue smoke appeared further down.

Curious as they both were, they discussed wether it would be a bright idea to investigate the origin of the misty smoke.

- "Shall we go see what it is", asked Sīl'būrk with a less then worried expression in his face.
- "I'm not so sure it is a good thing to do", replied the other dwarf.
- "But it sure is a nice color on that smoke", continued Sīl'būrk with a big smile.
- "Well, if you must go see what it is", grumbled Gra'skāgg.

They continued walking downhill towards the place where the smoke seemed to come from. As they rounded a rock they found themself standing outside a big breach in the hill. Due to the bright sun, it was now mid-day, they couldn't see much in the dark cave as they stood outside. A low whining sound reached their ears from deep inside the hill and that made up their minds. They walked into the darkness.

Somewhere deep within the hill it seemed were a seldom glow. As they walked on the glow turned brighter and brighter. The two dwarfs found themself standing in a big room at the center of the hill. In the middle of it sat a greyish dragon on a gigantic throne. It looked down at them as they entered its lair.

- "And who might you be", it asked.
- "We're a pair of dwarfs", answered Sīl'būrk.
- "I can see that, what I meant was what are your names?"
- "I'm Sīl'būrk and that grumpy old dwarf over there is Gra'skāgg."
- "And I... am Esmeralda", said the dragon with a slight sigh. She rocked slowly from side to side.
- "Is something wrong?" It was Gra'skāgg who began to speak. He had noticed her sad state of mind and frankly was a bit worried for her.

The dragon looked away towards the opening of the cave with a distant look in her eyes. With yet another sigh she began to speak.

- "People are afraid of me", she said. "They believe that I will eat them."
- "Isn't that what dragons do", asked the dwarfs.
- "Well, of course they do, but I'm just a tea salesman."
- "Tea... salesman... ?!?"
- "Yes, but because the humans are afraid of me I can't sell any tea, my boss is going to kill me." Esmeralda started to cry.
- "Oh, but we can sell your tea", said Sīl'būrk.
- "Can you?"
- "Yeah, sure we can, where is it?"

Esmeralda wiped a tear away and pointed at a corner of the cave. In the dark corner stood a package of tea. Gra'skāgg and Sīl'būrk took it up and turned to the dragon one more time.

- "How much does it cost?", asked Gra'skāgg.
- "Oh, the minimum price is two dollers", nodded Esmeralda.
- "Ok, we'll back within a week."

Our two heroic, and helpful dwarfs continued on their journey to rescue Mr. Fel and sell some tea.
