Web Development Guild

Author: CL5 Soran
Department: Guilds

The Web Development Guild has finally gotten the new interview questions ready to send out. What can we say, we are slow but sure. We have a list of people that Linda at Engineering has sent us and we will be emailing many of them shortly to requesting their participation. It would, however, help if those that work behind the scenes here would offer to step forward so we don't overlook interviewing anyone.

Also we will be emailing several of you that we have done in the past and will be updating your interviews since you have certainly progressed and done other things since we first contacted you. We hope you will all cooperate and help us keep up so we can showcase your talents and all the talents from our membership.

Remember the purpose of the Web Development Guild is to acknowledge those that do the graphic logos, graphic designs, cgi scripts, flash, and design programs, etc. And by your interviews you can also inspire those that want to try their hand at being computer savvy and even those that are wondering where to start from.

It is important in our community that we share with each other and teach each other the things we know. Learning empowers us all to create and spread our knowledge and continue the evolution of our community to be assured there will always be new and creative ideas.

So if you are one of those that has special talents with computers feel free to contact the staff at Web Development Guild. We look forward to the privilege of interviewing you.
