Stupifying Site Sightings

Author: LinDaX
Department: Engineering

Stupifying Site Sightings

May is a very special month for the Stupifying Site Sightings. First of all May 2003 is the 20th Anniversary of Star Wars! And secondly since there were some minor technical problems in March, and April was the special peanut edition, I waited until now to make up for it.
So this May edition will even bigger and better then the ones before! I've done a lot of site sighting research the past months, so I now have an archive big enough to provide you with sites for the upcoming 20 years.

On another note I heard people sometimes could not find the main links so here's a little explanation. The main links are the headers and the other links in the text are extra links just for fun, that lead to other sites that don't really have anything to do with the main link itself but are mostly there for more stupidity. Or they sometimes link to pages inside the main link. Still confused? Good =P. Then just click all the links and see what I mean.

The Special Stupifying Star Wars Site Sightings of this month:
You'll be sure to find anything you wanted to know about Star Wars here. Also I just have to say... the random main page design rocks!

Star Wars Gangsta Rap
Fo shizzle my nizzle! Watch all the SW homies in their own Music Video! Who ever knew Yoda was such an awesome Rapper?

Star Dudes
The whole SW Episode IV summed up in just a few minutes! Great if you don't have a lot of time, but want to see Episode IV again. Now I can say I saw Episode IV 20 times already! Also be sure to check out the main animation page.

That's all for the Special Stupifying Star Wars Site Sightings. I know, i know... there are millions and trillions more SW sites. But if I had to review them all it would take me over 200 years. So you know what... I'll give you the SW directory pages so you can visit them all!
Google pages, Yahoo SW Humor, DMOZ and Asta Vista.

The Stupifying Site Sightings of this month:

1) Human Clock
The human clock is a very original way of showing the time. Every minute the picture changes displaying other people that show you the time. You can even submit your own time!

2) Levitated
Levitated contains visual poetry and science fun narrated in an object oriented graphic environment. A fun and inspirational site.

3) Disquiet: Audio Games
A new original way of playing games, with these games sounds are used. These online toys are regularly updated. Scratching games, Sonic Break beat and a lot more.

4) The Easter Egg Archive
Programmers love to leave a signature on their products and especially when they are hidden. If you are smart you may find them easily, but most people need hints to find them. Find eggs in DVD's, computer programs and more. Oh btw... Have you found the Easter egg in the Schematics yet? :K

5) Ze Frank
One of the most playful interactive sites around the web. At first sight it doesn't look like much, but once you click on the various links you'll have a lot of kewl stuff to play with. Record flash movies of 'your mama''swing the bugs arms' and the site knows 'what you want'. Just go there now and thank me later.

6) Pee-Mail
Why send those boring e-cards when you can write your own messages in the snow? This kid who drank a few gallons of cola is happy to help you out! =D

7) Donate to Charity for Free!
All you have to do is click. The purpose of this site is to help you make free donations as quickly as possible. I was a bit sceptic at first but it all has to do with advertisers. For every time you visit, see the ads and click, they get money to feed people less fortunate.

8) What does your name mean?
According to this site Linda means: Beautiful; gentle; soft. Boooy were they wrong *g*. And it seems the nicknames for me are Lind, Lindi and Lindie... I have never recalled anyone calling me any of those... Curious to know what your name says?

9) oo
oOoooOOooooOOOOoo O OOOoooOoooOo OOoo OoooO ooOooo

10) 3-D Web
Finally you have a good use for those silly red and blue glasses.

11) Chance
If you never know what to decide... Whether to have jelly on your sandwich or Peanut butter, or perhaps even both? Just follow this link and let the site make the decisions for you. Life can be soooo easy :D

12) Buggable!
Ask your self the following question. Are you buggable? If so check out the main link! But also be sure to see the following ones! "I Just Called to Bug You!", "This Gift Might BUG You", "A Quick Bug" and "Disco Disco Bug!".

Extra Sightings! Send in by the public.
The Following sites were mailed to me by KittyKat.
You can read all about tea and everything surrounding this nice tea sit down. So relax and make a cup of tea while you have a look around.
Chocolate Chocolate
Hmmmmm you can sit and drool here!
Tip The Pizzaguy
The life and times of a pizza delivery person!

Do you know some good Stupifying Site Sightings and you want the world to know about them?
Be sure to let me know and mail me!

