
Author: Three27
Department: Publishing/COMM

We're going to start this article off with Upcoming conventions for May:


This is an interesting convention being both a Sci-fi & Linux con. It takes place from the 2 - 4 of May in Warren, Missouri. If your "geeky" you won't want to miss this because guests include: Terry Pratchett, author of the Discworld novels; Eric Raymond, author of the Cathedral and the Bazaar and launched the Mozilla web browser project, and introduced Linux to Wall Street in 1998; Pete Abrams, writes and draws the cartoon Sluggy Freelance; J.D "Illiad" Frazer, writes and draws the comic User Friendly; Rob "CmdrTaco" Malda, Co-founder of Slashdot and the Animefu website.

DemiCon 14: Contemplating the Future

Also taking place from the 2 - 4 this Sci-fi & Fantasy convention will be in Des Moines, Iowa. Guests here will be Octavia E. Butler, author of Patternmaster, Mind Of My Mind, Survivor, Kindred, Wild Seed, Clay's Ark, Dawn, Adulthood Rites, Imago, Parable Of The Sower, and Parable Of The Talents; Lubov, Artist Guest of Honor; and Lynda Sherman, the Fan Guest of Honor.

Starfury: End of Days

Again held on the 2 - 4, only this time in Blackpool, UK. This Sci-fi convention will have the following guests. Alexis Denisof, Wesley Wyndham-Pryce of Buffy and Angel; Amy Acker, Winifred Burkle of Angel; Vincent Kartheiser, Connor of Angel; Andy Hallett, 'the Host'/Krevlorneswath, of Angel; Juliet Landau, Drusilla of Buffy/Angel; and many more.

Highlander DownUnder 5

Held on the 9 - 11 in Brisbane, this convention will have Peter Wingfield, Highlander's Methos; James Horan, Duncan MacLeod; John Mosby; and Jim Byrnes as guests. For more info visit

Roc*Kon 2003

Roc*Kon will be held Little Rock, Arkansas on the 16 - 18. Guests include Stephen R. Donaldson, Margaret Carspecken, Selina Rosen. For more info:

London Expo

The London Expo will be held in London on the 17 & 18. Guests will be James Doohan, Brad Dourif, Robert Picardo, Andrew Robinson, Richard Herd, Andrew Prine, Marc Singer, Suanne Braun, Robert Llewellyn, Norman Lovett. For more information visit

SFX: The Event

Held in Blackpool, England on the 17 & 18 will feature guests Nicole Deboer, John Shea, Michael Rosenbaum, Michael Shanks, Teryl Rothery, and Robert Rankin. for information on SFX: The Event visit

Balticon 37

Taking place on the 23 - 26 in Baltimore, Maryland this Sci-fi con will have guests Steve Miller, Sharon Lee, and Omar & Sheila Rayyan.

Holodiction - Brisbane

The Star Trek convention Holodiction - Brisbane is going to be in Brisbane on the 31 with Dominic Keating, Malcolm Reed of ENTERPRISE as a guest. Information on Holodiction - Brisbane can be found at

Last month's conventions were:

Odyssey Con 2003

On the 4 - 6 Odyssey Con took place in Madison, Wisconsin. Guests here included Harry Turtledove author of Guns of the South, and the Videssos series; Catherine Asaro, author of The Saga of the Skolian Empire series, and Moon Shadow; Joan D. Vinge author of Snow Queen and Summer Queen; and Jim Frenkel an editor for Tor Books. Editing for both Vernor Vinge and Terry Goodkind.


This Dr. Who convention was also taking place from the 4 - 6, only it was held in Sydney, Australia. For this Dr. Who convention the guests were Wendy Padbury, Janet Fielding, Terrance Dicks.

Creation Salutes STAR TREK AND SCI-FI

On the 5 & 6 in Portland, Oregon Creation Entertainment held this con. They had a good line-up of guests being Michael Dorn, Worf; Wayne Pygram, Farscape's Scorpius; Virginia Hey, Farscape's Zhaan; and Alexander Siddig, Dr. Bashir of DS9.

Slanted Fedora

This Slanted Fedora convention was held in Kansas City, Kansas on the 11 - 13. They had a good line-up of Star Trek guests. These included Ethan Philips, Voyager's Neelix; Robert Picardo, The Docter of Voyager; Armin Shimerman, DS9's Quark; and JG Herzler, Martok of DS9.

An Evening With Lisa Ryder (Beka Valentine)

Wolf Events held this meeting in London, England on the 12. The sole guest was Lisa Ryder, Beka Valentine of the Andromeda series.

JediCon 8

JediCon 8 was held in Essex, UK on the 13. This had one of the best list of Star Wars guests that I’ve seen and it even had a Star Trek guest. This list included Marina Sirtis, Counselor Troy of TNG, Hassani Shapi, Eeth Koth; Tim Dry, Whipid; Gerald Home, the Quarren of Jabba's Palace; Sean Crawford, Yak Face in RotJ; Dermot Crowly, Crix Madine; Jeremy Bulloch, Boba Fett of ESB and RotJ; and Christ Parsons, 4-Lom, K3PO, and the Black Deathstar Droid.

GenCon Europe

This gaming convention was held in London from the 18 - 21. Guests at this event were Jonathon Tweet, developer for Magic: The Gathering, Runeuest, Netrunner, and Cyberpunk; Rick Loomis, president of the Game Manufacturers Association, and Margaret Weis, part of the DRAGONLANCE CHRONICLES team.

Seacon '03

Seacon '03 also took place in London from the 18 - 21. Guests here were Chris Baker, artist that helped on the movies A.I. and The Time Machine; Christopher Evans, author of Capella’s Golden Eyes, Aztec Century and Mortal Remains; and Mary Gentle, author of Lost Burgundy.

Imperial Quartermaster

The Imperial Quartermaster convention held in Greensboro, North Carolina on the 19 & 20. This event had another good line-up of Star Wars stars including: Jeremy Bulloch, Mike Quinn, Mike Edmonds, Shannon McRandle, Amy Allen, Aaron Allston, Allan Ruscoe, Eric Walker, Peter Mayhew, Micheal Sheard, Rusty Goffe, Michonne Bourriague.

JerseyDevilCon 3

JerseyDevilCon 3 covering Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Gaming, & Comics had a great many guests. Just a few of these were Harry Harrison, Brian Lumley, Joe De Vito, Bob Skir, Clifford Pickover, Holly Black, Theoder Black, Marilyn Mattie Brahen, Edward Carmien, Tony DiGerolamo, J.R. Dunn, Bob Eggleton, John Grant (Paul Barnett), Walter Hunt, Jael, Andre Lieven, Joe McCabe, and Jeff Menges.

Cleveland Buffy Vulkon

The Cleveland Buffy Vulkon took place from the 25 - 27. Guests of this were James Marsters, Andy Hallett, James C. Leary, Robin Atkin, James C. Leary, and Robin Atkin Downes.

Elf Fantasy Fair

This fantasy convention took place in Haarzuilens, Netherlands on the 26 & 27 with guests being Bruce Hopkind, Gamling of the LotR-films; Robin Hobb author of The Tawny Man Trilogy; and Alex Lewis, a Tolkien expert, and author of The Uncharted Realms of Tolkien.

The Hellmouth

This Buffy convetion was held in Belfast, N. Ireland on the 27 and the two guests that were there were Juliet Landau, Drusilla and Clare Kramer, the Hell God.

Do you know of a convention that isn't listed on the OTF Conventions page? If so please email me at and I’ll be glad to add it.
