The interviews

Angelic Char
Axel Luxian Aldrin
BDU_Starlancer/Rick Hunter
Carol Scardar
Darkwyng the Titanium Falcon
Darth Sidious
Dierna Phaedra Soul-Lincoln
Jade Dagger
JAG Pichotta
Kali D'or
Kathryn Lee Janeway
Kozue Kinezono-Phoenix
Luc Deathstryke
Majin Picard
Mathew Rose
Mashed Potatoes
Optimus Prime The Second
Robert Griffith
Seth Skywalker
Steven Norton
Vex Aldrin
Zahra, Faerie Queen
Zildjian (Yuri)
CL4/Lieutenant T'Val (Vulcan/human/Q mix *l*)          @ | www

Name: friends do know
Age: 35
Location: Germany
Job description: Housewife and mother

Favorite OTF chatroom: Ten Forward
Department: Counseling/Gala
Awards: Bronce select 2001, Honorable mentioning poetry June 2001, Art winner May 2002, Art honorable mentioning April and May 2002, Counseling annual staff award above and beyond 2001, Counseling above & beyond Feb, April, May 2002, Annual actors guild award 2001 Best Audience participant

Habits: What habits? Aating habits, vicious habits, work habits... Have many habits indeed.
Hobbies: drawing, writing poems, walking or biking in nature, sunbathing, indian (and other) cooking, reading books
Pets: a big black dog and hopefully soon again a fluffy cat
Phobias: I guess I don't have any

What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever done?
uh oh... *blushes* nope I wont tell that here.... wanna keep my chocolate rations...

If you could be anyone for a day, who would you be and why?
Buddha, because I would love to know how it is to be enlightened and feel unconditional love, all embracing compassion and total inner peace.

If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be and why?
hmm... I guess it would be patience I think I am far to impatient. Because I dislike being impatient.

If you were to be stranded on a tropical deserted island and could bring 3 things (or people) with you what (or who) would they be?
Huh that's a difficult one.. well my hubby, my daughter and.... a Genie *eg* he can fullfill all wishes I have.

Outpost History and Opinions

How long have you been a member of the Outpost?
3 years

How did you find out about it?
Accidentally I was searching ST pages.

What was your first impression of the Outpost?
It was fantastic, I really felt welcome, it was very familiar.

What persuaded you to keep chatting at the Outpost?
The friendly atmosphere, the nice peeps, the fun, and that opposite to other chats I had been to there was no sexual insulting and bad talks.

How much time do you spend chatting?
At least one hour daily.

Do you think having departments is a good idea? Why or why not?
Yes I think so beeing in a department makes peeps getting involved working for the chat they like and probably care more about it.

Do you participate in monthly contests for the Guilds? If yes, how often?
Art Guild at moment monthly won just that month *JUADS*, Poetry guild 3 times within last year, working on a story for writers guild (dunno if I get it ready in time)

What is your opinion on the Plan of the Future?
If I would know what is the plan I could have an opinion :P

What do you think of the changes being made to the community (Creation of a new department, merging of departments, general organization, etc.)?
Well as my department didn't changed I can't say much about that, and changes are often good, sometimes maybe not *l* but what I dislike how cyber families are treated. Not all c-fams are bad! AND c-fams have always been part of 10f and should stay! But well thats just my humble opinion.

If you could open another chat room in the Outpost, what theme would you choose?
Stargate, general fantasy

Outpost future

If you could play a practical joke on Admiral Andrew Maxwell, what would it be?
Announce his c-wedding :P naw I really don't know

If you could have the Admiral's command code and access to all the pages for a day, what would you do?
*VEG* I would make a room for c-weddings

If you were given access to the Admiral's handbag for a day, what would you do?
oh...depends if I could tame my curiosity ;)

Who should be the next Outpost Admiral and why?
Zilette, because she cares very much about the outpost and works hell of a lot. About the others I can't say enough to say if and who.

What do you think is an acceptable bribe to offer for the next Admiral's position?
uhm.. wanna have all my chocolates? And a bottle of very old good Irish whiskey?

Are the Admiralty really Sith Lords in disguise? (Remember, there are always two of them!)
*shrugs* dunno

If there were mutiny in the Outpost, who would you follow?

Is Babel really a Time Lord?
hehe ... possible ...yes indeed quite possible

Who is the true Boss Kitty: RDMG or KittyKat?

What colour robes suit Darth Damos best?
how about light pink? *eg*

What is a Teekador?
well I guess thas Teek when she gets a chain mail ;)

What does C.T. stand for?
Crazy Texan or Computer Tomography

What does J.J. stand for?
Jolly Jumper?

Final say

Do you have any further comments on Outpost 10F or this interview?
yes: fun & IDIC
1. have fun, specially for the high rankers not only work and work again :)
2. live tolerance and acceptance and not only rules, although I accept that some rules are needed and useful. :)

Please rate this interview:
***** (Fabulous!)