CL2/Ensign John (Human)
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Name: John
Age: 16
Location: SA Texas
Job description: Student
Favorite OTF chatroom: Cloud City Cantina
Department: None
Awards: None
Habits: I burp a lot
Hobbies: Swiming, Bull wrasslin, Sky Diving
Pets: 1 dog
Phobias: None
What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever done?
My swimsuit ripped when I went down a slide at a waterpark and that was kinda bad.
If you could be anyone for a day, who would you be and why?
If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be and why?
Um, I'd get rid of some of da pimples I gots they tick me off.
If you were to be stranded on a tropical deserted island and could bring 3 things (or people) with you what (or who) would they be?
Outpost History and Opinions
How long have you been a member of the Outpost?
Long time.
How did you find out about it?
Search engine.
What was your first impression of the Outpost?
Nice people.
What persuaded you to keep chatting at the Outpost?
um the atmosphere
How much time do you spend chatting?
Do you think having departments is a good idea? Why or why not?
yesh, keeps everything running and new and exciting
Do you participate in monthly contests for the Guilds? If yes, how often?
What is your opinion on the Plan of the Future?
Join the FBI and do my best to fight terrorism.
What do you think of the changes being made to the community (Creation of a new department, merging of departments, general organization, etc.)?
um Jedi/Sith program would be nice
If you could open another chat room in the Outpost, what theme would you choose?
um probably Scooby Doo
Outpost future
If you could play a practical joke on Admiral Andrew Maxwell, what would it be?
I dunno, duct tape would be an essential though.
If you could have the Admiral's command code and access to all the pages for a day, what would you do?
I dunno what there is to do silly willy.
If you were given access to the Admiral's handbag for a day, what would you do?
Who should be the next Outpost Admiral and why?
Um I think CT, 'cause he has contributed a lot to the Outpost.
What do you think is an acceptable bribe to offer for the next Admiral's position?
Are the Admiralty really Sith Lords in disguise? (Remember, there are always two of them!)
no I think they are Ebert and Roeper
If there were mutiny in the Outpost, who would you follow?
um depends on what is was over
Is Babel really a Time Lord?
Who is the true Boss Kitty: RDMG or KittyKat?
Um, Kitty.
What colour robes suit Darth Damos best?
What is a Teekador?
My pet
What does C.T. stand for?
Crazy Texan of course
What does J.J. stand for?
Jumpin Johosephat :P
Final say
Do you have any further comments on Outpost 10F or this interview?
Please rate this interview:
***** (Fabulous!)