The interviews

Angelic Char
Axel Luxian Aldrin
BDU_Starlancer/Rick Hunter
Carol Scardar
Darkwyng the Titanium Falcon
Darth Sidious
Dierna Phaedra Soul-Lincoln
Jade Dagger
JAG Pichotta
Kali D'or
Kathryn Lee Janeway
Kozue Kinezono-Phoenix
Luc Deathstryke
Majin Picard
Mathew Rose
Mashed Potatoes
Optimus Prime The Second
Robert Griffith
Seth Skywalker
Steven Norton
Vex Aldrin
Zahra, Faerie Queen
Zildjian (Yuri)
CL6/Commander KittyKat (Vulcan! I always wanted pointy ears)          @ | www

Name: Kathryn
Age: 22 (and a bit)
Location: Belfast
Job description: I give old people money

Favorite OTF chatroom: Ten Forward
Department: communications - boss
Awards: yeah I have, but I can't remember what...

Habits: uh well I have to have a cup of tea every morning
Hobbies: the internet! reading, music, films - especially sci-fi and horror, TV...all the couch potato ones *EG*
Pets: a cat called Mardi
Phobias: Spiders, Falling and blood makes me go all pale and nauseous

What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever done?
ah well I like to attempt to embarrass myself on a daily basis...tripping over stuff, walking into things etc so it's hard to pick out the most embarrassing... I try to forget. When I was 7 or 8 I farted really loudly during school assembly. Does that count?

If you could be anyone for a day, who would you be and why?
My cat. She sleeps most of the day, gets fed on demand. Her biggest worry is if next doors German Shepherd is going to come bounding round the back of our house!

If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be and why?
Just the one thing? My love for bad food!

If you were to be stranded on a tropical deserted island and could bring 3 things (or people) with you what (or who) would they be?
lots of sun cream
a survival expert
a solar powered portable two way radio

Outpost History and Opinions

How long have you been a member of the Outpost?
Too long - or 2 years.

How did you find out about it?
Sorsha sent me an email on one of the

What was your first impression of the Outpost?
Confusing but cool. I was new to the net so everything was confusing *L*

What persuaded you to keep chatting at the Outpost?
It was the best Star Trek chat room I'd seen and of course the people! =)

How much time do you spend chatting?
It depends, couple of hours a day. Actually a lot less than I used to.

Do you think having departments is a good idea? Why or why not?
Yeah I do. They help the younger members learn some skills that will be important in the big bad world, such as team work and meeting deadlines. We are able to tap into the expertise of the older members to help continually improve the outpost. It also makes everyone feel more a part of our little community *S*

Do you participate in monthly contests for the Guilds? If yes, how often?
I've submitted the odd poem to the poetry guild, I haven’t been inspired of late though.

What is your opinion on the Plan of the Future?
A plan is always good =P. I think that it will help us move forward, become bigger and better! As well being quite exciting!

What do you think of the changes being made to the community (Creation of a new department, merging of departments, general organization, etc.)?
Change can sometimes be hard and it may take a while to see the benefits. I think the changes so far have been ultimately beneficial even if that is notimmediately apparent.

If you could open another chat room in the Outpost, what theme would you choose?
Hmmm a Red Dwarf chat room maybe? Or something less sci-fi, a fantasy room maybe!

Outpost future

If you could play a practical joke on Admiral Andrew Maxwell, what would it be?
Well....I'd steal his handbag, remove the server, then fill it with blackcurrant jelly (Jell-O). *EG*

If you could have the Admiral's command code and access to all the pages for a day, what would you do?

If you were given access to the Admiral's handbag for a day, what would you do?
Fill it with jelly (Jell-O)..... then maybe run round thwapping people with it.

Who should be the next Outpost Admiral and why?
Guinan! She's in Ten Forward 24/7 plus she has an intimidating Hat...

What do you think is an acceptable bribe to offer for the next Admiral's position?

Are the Admiralty really Sith Lords in disguise? (Remember, there are always two of them!)
Hmm what an interesting theory! I think you might have something there...

If there were mutiny in the Outpost, who would you follow?
The one most likely to win or the one who offered me the most chocolate/money.

Is Babel really a Time Lord?
Yes - simple question =P

Who is the true Boss Kitty: RDMG or KittyKat?
Awwww how am I meant to answer that one? Easily! RDMG, I have always called her Boss Kitty!

What colour robes suit Darth Damos best?
Well not pink or red (I think they might clash with his uh hair), purple? :P

What is a Teekador?
a very cute commodore *G*

What does C.T. stand for?
Hmm Constantly Tipsy?

What does J.J. stand for?
I have no idea... Just Joking?

Final say

Do you have any further comments on Outpost 10F or this interview?
Okay this is the LAST time I’m filling out this form and if my interview ISN'T on this years yearbook there will be hell to pay mark my words =P

Please rate this interview:
***** (Wow!)