Previous Issue Edition #15
B r i n g i n g  t h e  w o r l d  t o  O T F
January 2002


by Lt. Kayana

As we start the new year, so doth OTF. As some of you may remember, Admiral Maxwell outlined some time ago the "Visions of the Future" plan in which departments across OTF as well as OTF Command will be going through some major changes. Always quick to get the scoop, The Tribune has gone to see what's really happening in the corridors of OTF. Click below to see what the department heads have to reveal!

Secondly, as part of the "Visions of the Future" in which The Tribune, too, is undergoing major changes (thought we were going to just talk about toast all day, eh?), the Local section of The Tribune is honored to have Admiral Maxwell and Lt. Amanda Sielu Paris as our very first feature writers, talking about what they envison for the future for OTF. Their thoughts make for an intriguing read.

Lastly, what would the new year be without the Yearbook? Ready to chronicle all that's about to happen this year, The Tribune managed to catch up with Faerie Yearbook Chief Zeddy for a quick soundbite on what to expect from this tri-year old project. "The team in charge of the 2002 yearbook has already started planning what will surely be the greatest yearbook in the history of The Outpost. We're just about to wrap up a fortnight of brainstorming which has been successful in tabling some interesting and innovative ideas. Preliminary work will commence in a week or so, with roles being allocated and month-by-month plans submitted to ensure that we'll be well and truly ready for next year's anniversary celebrations. So watch this space for more updates, and be ready to contribute to your yearbook when we come knocking."
As always,


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