Previous Issue Edition #15
B r i n g i n g  t h e  w o r l d  t o  O T F
January 2002

Are We Doing the Right Thing?

by CL5 missMaul

The big news this period is of course the events of September the 11th and the reaction of the USA. But is this reaction the right one: should we attack Afghanistan?

Of course it is terrible what the terrorists did; a lot of innocent lives are lost. But now we are doing the same in Afghanistan. People die there, innocent people. There have been bombings for more than a month and you can’t keep hitting targets where there aren’t any (innocent) people.

Then there is the problem with Osama bin Laden. We don’t know where he is and what do we do when we have him? You can’t kill him; you’ll make him a martyr. That’s not what we want. But then what? Just lock him up? You get the same effect as with killing him and you don’t know for how long you should keep him in prison.

I don’t believe that the solution lies in finding Osama bin Laden. After you get him, someone else will stand up. Things will just repeat themselves, like it happens so often in history. But since we know that, we’ll have to use that. Learn from the past.

We should also think of why they attacked. I think it’s because they’re suppressed by the western world. We’re a bit arrogant and believe that the only way to get welfare is ours. I think we should keep that in mind as well as we follow my thoughts.

It might be wise to try and settle this without violence. Try to get along peacefully. It’s no good idea, I know. It won’t work, not completely. Most people will agree, but there’ll always be extremists who will not want a compromise. And those people will be on both sides; just look at the situation in Israel. But I still think you should try to talk first and then attack.

I know I’m not in charge of things and this won’t help, but I have this way to tell you my opinion. So, I use it. Maybe more people should do that, it might help. Talking about things helps a lot in my experience. And then maybe it’ll reach someone in charge. You can’t do things as a government when the whole country is against it.

What am I trying to say? I really don’t know; I just started typing and just went with my thoughts. Thinking about it, maybe there is a conclusion. You should think about it, not just blindly follow the leaders. Always keep thinking, that’s very important. It went wrong a lot of times in history, and it might go wrong this time again. But maybe when we keep thinking and say what we think, it won’t. I truly hope so, because I like to live a peaceful live from now on. Most people do. Do you?


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