Previous Issue Edition #15
B r i n g i n g  t h e  w o r l d  t o  O T F
January 2002

The Classifieds Section

Lieutenant Commander JD

Are you looking for work in a department of OTF? Are you a department or Team Leader looking for a member with that little something special to offer? If so, then this is the place for you! The OTF Tribune is happy to unveil its Classifieds Section with the innaugural request for our Employment Division. Here you can post your resume if you're looking for work within the OTF community, or cruise the resumes for likely candidates for that position you need to fill. Departments and Project Leaders are also welcome to post nice, spashy ads chock-full of HTML so that you no longer need to clog up the Updates Boards with your requests and get yelled at for bumping off those oh-so-important messages!

In February, this section will begin featuring a monthly article regarding resumes, work etiquette, and other important employment issues to better help our membership work together within the community, departments, and projects. Please send your ads via the submission form. Any concerns or questions regarding your resumes/ads will be dealt with through Lt. Commander JD. (And please remember to keep ALL prime directives in mind when writing those resumes/ads. Any material deemed inappropriate by those same prime directives will NOT be posted.)

Proceed to the form to submit an ad or a resume.


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