Previous Issue Edition #15
B r i n g i n g  t h e  w o r l d  t o  O T F
January 2002

by guest writer Lt. Mezoti Lynne Eierman Sun
(with proofreading assistance from Lt. Jg. Katelyn Marie Richards)

I walked into the convention, scared that I would do something wrong. As my dad signed us in, I wandered down the hall and found the dealers’ room; however, I couldn't get in - it wasn't open yet. A few minutes later my dad caught up to me; by then the room was open. I looked around for awhile. I wandered down the hall, passing by people dressed up as Star Wars characters. This was certainly quite unusual.

I found the conference room where Rick Searfoss, a Danville, Illinois, native, was talking about his adventure into space. We were shown slides and tape recordings of his journey. Then Robin Curtis took the stage, even forgetting a thing or two about "The Search for Spock". She said her most memorable scene was when she and the de-aged Spock did the "Vulcan mating thing". Then Alexandra Tyding, who played Aphrodite in the show "Xena," showed a trailer from a proposed show based on Aphrodite; and yes, we got her to sing!!!!! Then while Jerry Doyle spoke about "Babylon-5," I went back to the dealers' room.

In the process I lost my wallet. A dealer found it, put it up, and gave it back intact. It didn’t surprise me how wonderful Star Trek fans are!!! By then (it took awhile to find the wallet) we were about to have autographs! Me, being TOTALLY nervous, gave Armin Shimerman (Quark) the book "A Stitch in Time" to sign! As we all know, Andrew Robinson (Garak) wrote it! Well I fixed my mistake and switched it with a photo of Quark. Then Andrew signed the book to "Brandi".

Finally, Armin, Andy, and Nicole (DeBoer) talked about "Deep Space Nine" in comparison with other series. Nicole even did an impression of Seven of Nine!!! Then there was a minimum bid auction with signed scripts going up for sale!!! Pretty soon it was time for them to leave and go to Chicago. So here ends my adventure on Febuary 11th, 2001, in Champaign, Illinois.

***The pictures included below are from a convention in Germany and taken by Lt. Comm. Freeman.



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