Previous Issue Edition #15
B r i n g i n g  t h e  w o r l d  t o  O T F
January 2002

Counseling report

Commodore Zilette

"As in all the departments at The Outpost, Counseling has been in major chaos trying to comply with all the new restructuring changes to fit into the Vision of the Future.

"As in all the departments at The Outpost, Counseling has been in major chaos trying to comply with all the new restructuring changes to fit into the Vision of the Future.

The first problem that we felt needed to be resolved was defining the purpose of our counselors in the Vision of the Future. Due to the large growth in the chat, the changes in the needs of the members, and since we are mostly comprised of non-licensed professionals, we needed to change our mission. Counselors, therefore, will not give advice. We will, however, listen, send counsel-ees to a guide to help them professionally, try to help dissolve disputes, and, of course, be a friend to all who need us. You will know our counselors by their Tagline which will read 'Counselor'.

To implement these changes we have three teams: Counseling, Guilds, and Gala, which will each have separate purposes. Counseling's objective I have discussed above; Guilds will showcase the arts of our community and Gala will enhance humor to our members. Team member's taglines will reveal their jobs (for example: "Gala - Holidays").

Sadly, however, we did have many projects terminated and many changes implemented due to redundant sites; so the new Vision put the sites in their proper places. However, projects and ideas will always be geared towards our members needs and in encouraging them to be part of the community. That will not change. "We are here for you," is still our motto.

Lastly, we have inherited several new projects which will be absorbed into the proper places. Ranging from the Aurean Legacy being absorbed by the Writer's Guild to ST and SW biographies being moved to the Actor's Guild, many projects have been taken up or moved to their proper places, the better to make our site more user friendly and efficient.

As for expansion in the future, Counselling has many ideas. Reviews on Broadway shows, chat events with authors, artists, programmers, musicians of the sci-fi world will be some of the projects that we are starting. SimMax Theater will be the reality at last for the Actors' Guild, which will enable us to be able to use avatars to enhance our simming. Anime will also be incorporated in all the guilds. We also have a few other surprises up our sleeves, but we must maintain some air of mystery, too.

The Counseling Department is very pleased with the opportunity to continue our efforts to have projects that will allow all members to participate at whatever they feel is their forte in life. We are here to serve our members."


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