Agent of the Month

Article by Kayana

Continuing from last month, the One-Zero Division is proud to present to you the lovely SG aka Shane for your interviewing pleasure this month!

Without further ado...
Agent Kayana

There's something about SG...

Well, let's see. Where to begin? SG was born at some point in the last millenium. He is also a male. She lives in Ireland. Currently SG resides in Dublin, while working for a big bank. This may or may not be a front for a black ops agency, my role there, and an alias to protect my friends and family... :?

I've been roaming the corridors of OTF for... God! 4 years now? That can't be right? Wow! 4 years... time flies! However, there was that second year where I was more absent than active, due to major exams and whatnot. I eventually returned, finding a place in the Holiday Team in the almighty Entertainment Department. Since then I've gone on to become the Holiday TL, then turning that team in to the still relatively new Special Operations. Holidays was then down-sized to a division, and Simming returned to OTF as a division here also. There are also 3 other divisions. The Notwerk which has evolved from project to division, and the more internal geared MLO Resources and Coding Ops which are divisions for aiding the large Entertainment Department, rather than providing further entertainment to community.

I've also managed to become an AM of Entertainment, which has proven a great way of influencing development in the department. Over my years at OTF I've also been a member of Communications, handling the headlines that were on the OTF main page for a time. Currently, along with my ENT responsibilities, I'm a member of ISA, and an Agent of the OZD. Both of these roles are highly rewarding. As an ISA deputy you have a direct responsibility for the chat, and as an Agent there's a forum for expressing opinions and thoughts on the ST genre at OTF.

Anyway, that's me and my time at OTF briefly outlined.

Now for the questions:

1)Where are you from?

Diddle-dee, leprachauns and pots o' gold. Yes, I'm from Germany. =) Wait, no, I'm Irish, that'd mean Ireland, yeah? *ponders* Yeah, Ireland. That's the green place. =)

2)Best thing about your town/country/home?

I dunno... *ponders some more*

Well, there's the weather, where summer is winter, and winter is summer. Sometimes I think we are on the wrong hemisphere. But, maybe I exaggerate. Winter isn't all that bad, although I'm always hoping for snow. Right before it snows it always rains, and then the snows melts when it hits the ground. It's very sad. I cry a little, but that's just more water. =( And in Summer, the weather can be wet and cold... like winter. So, basically, I like the predictability of the unpredictable weather.

Also, we've got Taytos and Tanora! Mwuhahaha!!!

3)Favorite genre and why?

Hmmm, well, I don't have much choice other than to say THE TREK, as I will have Brady sending Man in Hat AND Iain (combined they make the Super-power-megazord) to hunt me down. It's rare to see, but I think I could just push Brady to do it if I said "Star Wars rulz! I wish I had a lightsabre. Wheeeee!" =)

4)Favorite Star Trek episode and why?

Ack, these are hard questions. Fave episode would be the one where... when... how... Nemesis. I liked Nemesis. =)

5)Blaming Hobbie: troublemaker or just always in the wrong place at the wrong time?

Oh, poor lad. He's a sweet young fellow, who wouldn't harm a fly. It's all just propaganda against him. Of course, the propaganda machine is driven by Ray, the anti-Hobbie. Ray's the one behind the schemes and plots, and Hobbie just gets caught in the crossfire.

6)Favorite OTF memory?

The drag-fest in MT last year. I believe I entered as Whitney Houston, and from then on we had every one from Mariah Carey to Britney Spears. Wow! Honestly, wow! If only Gene Hackman had arrived too. =)

Or... the Cork Union where we went on adventure through the dark, wet caves under Blarney Castle. They were small and we were using the light from our phones to see where we were going. Great, spontaneous fun!

7)Has OTF ever disrupted rl? Made you miss work or school etc?

Nope, and I'd never let it either. It's only a chatroom! I usually come to OTF as an escapism from RL, but I love my RL so I wouldn't stay away for too long. I love the fact that I get to interact with other people from around the world that I wouldn't necessarily have been able to otherwise. I also love that the membership are responsible for keeping OTF afloat, not by just supporting it, but also by taking responsiblity for it, by joining departments, and taking on roles and responsibilities for maintaining and improving things.

8)If everyone at OTF came over for dinner what would you make for them?

My "Ultimate Sandwich". I'm not gonna tell you what's in it, but every one who has ever tried one has been blown away. (Not literally, as I don't have the materials necessary to create explosives... yet!) It's like the nicest sandwich you'll ever taste. People are shocked by the combination of what I put in, but once they taste it their legs quiver and their mouths water in ecstacy. That's how good it is! Amazing, I know... and the only way you'll ever taste it is if you manage to track me down. =)

9)Favorite movie?

I really liked V for Vendetta. What a cool movie! I'm not gonna give any plot points away (if you haven't seen it by now I shall forever mark you with the letter 'Z', because you're not cool enough for 'V'... instead you can be a Zorro wannabe.) but it's so good I've already decided on my next Halloween costume. *lol*

10)Klingons: bullied as children on the intergalatic playground or just really really mean?

Actually, they started out as lab rats which were experimented on relentlessly. Then one night one of the lab rats decided enough was enough and he said "Are you pondering what I'm pondering?"... and the rest is history. See "Kah'less".


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