SW Patron of the Month Interview

Article by Hobbie

April's SW Patron of the Month, armory resident CL7 Osiris gives us some very good tips in this edition. We had to evade many of Man in Hat's agents trying to silence this interview but we succedeed, and here it is:

Hobbie: You've been awarded the SW Patron of the Month award last month, another one in a long series of awards, it seems - in fact, this is already your second SW Patron of the Month in this year. What's your secret, lots of hard work, bribes, blackmail...?
Osiris: Threats... Er, um... Wait! :? ...Yeah, threats... Lots of threats! :D

Hobbie: What kind of threats are those, if it isn't a professional secret, that is?
Osiris: *shrug* I have no idea.

Hobbie: I see, empty threats then?
Osiris: Never empty, they're full of words and letters, and Grammary!

Editor's Comment: And here I thought grammar only worked when threatening Iain, I'm sure the readers will be very interested in that piece of information!

Hobbie: You have, according to various rumours, been decisive in the creation of the new Star Wars Wookiee affiliation. Is there anything you can tell us on this subject? Such as the reasons behind creating such an affiliation, or any problems encountered in the process?
Osiris: I made it so I could work of my Coat of arms, Re name the armoury to either the Arm-ory or the De-armoury.
...and the only problem i see with it is I get a headache trying to figure out how it's possible for me to rip my own arms off :?

Hobbie: Our top scientists shall be set to work on this problem. One last question, do you have any plans for the future?
Osiris: Yeah, I plan on replacing Hobbie, By normal procedure or by fo... well, forget I said that.. :? ...And then maybe a sandwich and a nap!

Hobbie: Sounds like this... Hobbie... whoever he is... had better watch his back. Thank you for your time and answers, and congratulations again on your award!
Osiris: Arr, thanks

Interview conducted by Hobbie (CL7)


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