ST Patron of the Month Interview

Article by Polson

And the Patron of the month is the lovely, the colourful, the ever flexible, CL5 Ayanna!

1. Guess what! You've won the ST patron of the month! Feel any taller? Any smarter? Any faster? Any closer to over throwing Man In Hat?
Wow. Really?

2. Any idea what you did to deserve such honor?
Erm no to be honest i have no idea *L* just do my work and help out when and where i can. Guess people noticed.

3. Will this further or hinder your plans to take over OTF?
*looks around* What plans? *Coughs*

4. What's your favorite project to work on?
My Favorite project i would have to say is the Amazing Race OTF Style. It's a lot of work but it's also great fun.

5. What's your handle from?
My handle is from it's suppose to mean Flower in some language but i can't remember which. *L*

6. If you had grand cosmic powers what would you set out to accomplish?
To take over the world of course.

7. Why do you keep coming back to OTF?
Because i have alot of great friends that still go to otf and it's a friendly and wonderful place and yeah.

8. If you could give an award to anyone, who would you give it to and why?
I'd give best friend award to Jamie. cause she's my friend of course and yeah i know i'm doing a lot of rambling for 3 am. *L*

Congrats, Ayanna!

Department of Something or Other


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