The Senate Update: In, out, in...

Article by Bria

No, I'm not talking about last month, oh no, and nor is it a reference to a quote from Hobbie. I'm talking about this month, April, when people just kept coming and going! First of all, of course, we said goodbye to Jaden - and she finally got taken off the list, too, so now we can talk about her all we want to. Cynara has also decided to move onto bigger and better things. I would, however, like to thank Cynara for all her work during the time she was with us, and wish her the best of luck in whatever's next for her. On behalf of all of us here - thank you.

It's not all doom and gloom, though. Well, it depends on how you look at it, I suppose. AJ decided that retirement wasn't for him after all (sure he's only a youngun, bless 'im) and has taken up his old position in the Senate. Welcome back, Andrew!

In addition to that, we now have a new DSC - Amanda Sielu Paris. Right, you knew that, it's on the Updates Board. But I don't care, I have nothing else to write about and who reads those announcements anyway? Was there even an announcement? I don't know.

We're also going to be working on revamping the Senate's website, so I'll have an update on that for you next month. Well, hopefully next month; it could be the month after, actually, given how fast we work around here. I mean, look at me, it takes me forever to write these things and they're neither very complicated nor very good.

Will Jaden leap out of the warddrobe and kill Bria in her sleep? Will Andrew stay in for a bit longer this time and yes I am talking about the Senate thankyouverymuch, shut up Iain? Will Amanda ever make it onto the Senate site? And will Bria ever write updates that make sense and follow a logical structure? We may never find out... but keep reading, anyway!

Clear skies!

Bria Terrik
Senator of Corellia


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