SW Patron of the Month interview

Article by Bria

She's the queen of disco, the universe, and – squid?! Read on to find out what goes on behind the curtains of our SW Patron of the Month's winner, CL7 Queen Demon! That's metaphorical curtains, by the way, I don't mean that she has lace and heavy trimmings stuffed into her brain... look, forget I mentioned it. Just read the interview.

1. Congrats on the award! How does it feel to be OTF's Star Wars Patron of the Month - again?
QD: Well, I really feel surprise... surprise and fear...fear and surprise.... My two feelings are fear and surprise... and abject humility.... My three feelings are fear, surprise, and abject humility... and an overwhelming urge to buy shoes.... Our four... no... Amongst my feelings... are such elements as fear, surprise... I'll come in again.

2. What're you gonna do with it? The award, I mean.
QD: Is it edible? No? Oh... can we get an edible one?

3. Do you have any ambitions left when it comes to OTF?
QD: Edible awards, people falling to their knees when I enter chat and one of those fancy entry lines that makes the world tremble. Failing that, a nice hat.

4. What's the secret to your success in Entertainment and the Senate - and whatever side projects you may or may not have going on?
QD: Do stuff, be excellent to everyone and secret machinations. These machinations are secret, secret and hidden, machinaty and in the works. Um... Entertainment is hiring, join now for secret machinaty doings and excellent stuff! Go Senate!

5. Is there such a thing as a "real Queen Demon" and what's she like?
QD: A real QD... darn it, you've found me out, I'm actually a forty year old male Shrimp genetically engineered by scary scientists. Seriously though, the real QD has trouble with low iron, likes Supernatural, gerbils, playing video games and writing rather dire novels. (Goes into Dean Winchester mode) I'm a Taurus, I enjoy sunrises, long walks through gardens and funny manga. I can be emo, but as I'm older that's allowed, let's just call me grumpy. I will get married in the little chapel of Elvis in Vegas as soon as some cute, rich guy thinks I'm not a complete freak (are you listening David Tennent and Jared Padalecki!). Applications can be sent in writing to (snip).

6. You and SG, a.k.a. Mr. Gim, a.k.a. The Man Of Many Names - how did that come about?
QD: Blame him. Actually, blame us both. We're similarly mad *waves to the significant other*.

7. I notice that neither you nor he are around the chat much anymore. I won't get the truth, of course, but what's your cover story for not being there?
QD: To be honest, lack of time. I love OTF but I know if I walk in the door I'll be there for several hours. Doing machinaty stuff behind the scenes means I can help, but not spend the evening throwing shampoo in the TF pool. I'll pop up, somewhere unexpected. Think of me as in the ether.

8. Finally, do you have any words of wisdom to impart on us?
QD: This is a quote I like, not mine, mine would contain the word squid, or liopleurodon. "Be kind - Remember every one you meet is fighting a battle - everybody's lonesome." I'd like to thank Queenie for, once again, taking the time to answer my questions. Now back to the ether with you! No, not you, you're supposed to read on, I mean her... no, I do, seriously. Get back here!

Bria Terrik (CL7)
Senator of Corellia


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