Senator of the Month interview

Article by Bria

Okay, so we decided that we're sick of seeing nothing but Agents; we were all starting to feel like Neo and Iain was starting to feel rather threatened in his claim to be The One, so we've changed to Senators. Actually, it's more because we've interviewed every Agent there is, but that lacks drama. Anyway, I went ahead and interviewed Hobbie, which was a bit chaotic due to the fact that I didn't actually think about anything before I said it. But here it is, regardless.

I need to interview you for the BR, don't I?
I don't know. You're the editor. :(

In that case, I will. On with the second question, then! So, which SW film d'you like best, and why?
Empire Strikes Back. Because that's the only one featuring Hobbie, and I'm shallow like that?

What's so important about the pilot? What's he carryin'? *prods*
Standard issue blaster and vibroblade, I assume?

As good an answer as any. I really didn't think this interview through. :( Okay, way back when, what made you join the Senate?
Well, I've always thought of politics as something fun, and the opportunity to argue about anything and everything constantly was rather appealing. That made the offer hard to turn down, really.

Ah, yes, arguing. What're your hobbies (haha :() apart from arguing?
I have a lot of hobbies! It's called multiple personality disorder, or something like that, if you want to get technical... (A)

Your hobby is called multiple personality disorder? :(
The fact that I have more than one is? :(

Can you not just be normal and tell me what you like doing?! :(
I like not being normal? :(

You just like making things awkward for me :(
That too. :( But alright, I enjoy reading, eating and sleeping, among other things.

Thank you! Okay, so now you're the Supreme Chancellor, how's that working out for you?
It's a bit early to tell, but it's been nice so far. I'm looking forward to the challenge.

Me too, should be interesting. *g* Pandora's playing a song called "Blind Pilots" for me right now, d'you think that's ironic? :(
I don't know. I've encountered some pilots who flew as if they were blind. But I guess the song is probably intended as such.

... after that, it sort of dissolved into a discussion about music and stuff, so let's just leave it at that. Thanks to Hobbie for taking the time to answer my cleverly devised, thought-out, pre-planned questions! ;)

Note: Questions aren't numbered because I wasn't sure what to count as questions and what not. This way, you can all decide, and count, for yourselves. \o/ If you can't count, haha, tough.

Bria Terrik
Senator of Corellia


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