The Wizard Brief

Article by Bryce

As you all know by now, Daecrist, the Fantasy Sector Commander, became the Quadrant Commander of Outpost 10F last month, thus leaving his former position. The Wizards would like to thank Daecrist for all the hard work and dedication he has put forth for the fantasy sector over the years, and we wish him the best in his new role. Luc Deathstryke has since become the Fantasy Sector Commander, and is now working to find a viable deputy; an announcement regarding this decision should be made within a few weeks.

Last month also marked a beginning for some needed changes in the fantasy sector. The Minas Tirith chat room was, first off, supplemented with new fantasy avatars; this improvement sparked other ideas, one of which involves the Wizards’ website. The Wizards’ homepage has not been updated in over a year, so we are now planning the reorganization of it—everything from the design to the content. Other various ideas concerning the fantasy sector have been introduced and briefly discussed, but they will not be organized for quite a while; therefore, these ideas will be revealed at a later time.

Remember, any comments, questions, or suggestions regarding the fantasy sector are always welcome; just contact one of the Wizards.

Alivan (CL6)


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